Assessment Details

Considering that number of topics will be covered during the module, students will be asked to write their coursework on a particular topic of their choice. They will be asked to review the contemporary publications and choose a case study related to a particular topic.

Students will present their ideas on the case studies during workshops and receive formative feedback from lecturers and peers.

Summative assessment
3,500 words analysis of the chosen topic: including a case study, issues related to the case, service provision and policy implications (LO 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5).

Your assessment must include:

• An introduction

• An overview of the topic to be discussed

• Your case study should include only relevant issues to your chosen topic

• Your case study and discussion on the topic should not be based on your own subjective opinions

• Your case study and discussion should demonstrate that you have read widely around the subject

• Your assignment should only include credible academic sources

• You must adhere to the Harvard referencing system

• You must present a balanced critical discussion

• You must end your assignment with a conclusion

Assignment guidance

Your assignment for this module must include the following:

1. An Introduction: This should sign post the reader through the order and content of the assignment e.g.

“In this assignment I will devise a case study based on intimate partner violence; I will include a discussion on ethics and the ethical implications that relate to this topic; and I will critique the evidence on this topic and relevant government policies and legislation”

2. A Case study: this should illustrate your chosen topic; if you choose to use a real life case then you will need to ensure confidentiality and anonymity and use pseudonyms e.g.

“Jenny is an unsupported single parent and lives with her three children in social housing in an inner London borough. Jenny has recently separated from her long term partner, who is the father of her last child, after several years of living in a physically and emotionally abusive and violent relationship…”

3. Issues: A critical discussion of the issues raised in your case study e.g.
• Prevalence
• Causes
• Theories /concepts
• Ethical issues and principles e.g. beneficence/justice etc. e.g.

The prevalence of intimate violence in the UK is…

Mirlees & Black (1999) state that maternal age, low income… are risk factors for intimate partner violence.

Dobash (1979) propose that intimate partner violence is primarily the result of a patriarchal system which exerts mens domination and control over women

The ethical issues that relate to this case include…

4. Criticality: A critique of relevant government policies /legislation; it is imperative not to just describe the policies / legislation you must critique them i.e. their strengths and limitations and the implications e.g.

In response to the growing need to address the issue of … the Equality Act (1998) was introduced; the aim of the Act (1998) is to …

The limitations of the Equality Act (1998) include…

This discussion must be based on evidence not your own subjective opinions!

You can find critiques of polices and legislation at organisations such as the
• Kings Fund,
• Audit Commission (now obsolete but some material still exists)
• Peer reviewed articles

5. Conclusion: This must sum up your discussion and the findings based on the evidence you have critiqued. You should not introduce new information at this stage.

6. References: You must adhere to the Universitys’ Harvard referencing system i.e.

• the last name of the author or the name of the organisation
• the year of publication
• page numbers if it’s a direct quote
e.g. Husbands (2018)

The reference page should include:
• The last name or organisations name
• Initial
• Year of publication or year downloaded
• The name of the article/chapter or publication or book title
• The publishers name e.g. Palgrave
• The location of the published e.g. London

You will be given the opportunity to discuss your proposed case study with your seminar leader during the assignment workshop; please remember to devise your plan in advance which should include
• your introduction
• your chosen topic
• the relevant theories/concepts
• ethical principles
• relevant policies/legislation

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