Computer Studies

The IT leadership team has determined that the college will add another satellite campus that will have a Learning Center with 20 computers and 10 classrooms. Each classroom will have one computer for the instructor and a wireless access point for the students. In anticipation of issues that may arise when installing new hardware and software, you have been asked to create a Troubleshooting Tool Guide that identifies tools, including some of the free tools that you discovered in your research, that can be used to troubleshoot the following:

  • Connection to the ISP
  • Routers and Switches
  • Wireless access points
  • Any new hardware
  • Any new network cabling
  • IP addressing problems
  • VLAN problems

Your task is to prepare a 2- to 3-page table using Microsoft® Word or Microsoft® Excel® with the table column heading of Troubleshooting Tool and Example. The rows are bulleted above. In the cells identify what tool could be used and give an example from the labs, videos, or readings of how to use the tool.

Format your document consistent with APA guidelines.

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