Compare and contrast Analysis

Read the book of Foer, name “extremely loud and incredibly close”
and watch the movie by filmmakers, Stephen Daldry.
“extremely loud and incredibly close”

– Compare and contrast one of the characters as they are portrayed in the novel with their on screen counter-part in the film adaption. The essay should analyze and interpret the differences and/or similarities of their psychological or emotional characteristics as well as their part in the plot.
– Your thesis ( usually the last sentence(s) in the introduction, first paragraph) must make a claim about the filmmakers’, Stephen Daldry’s, and Foer’s goals/ intentions and how these conflict or align in the film/novel. Student should do this by first presenting a claim about the goal/intentions of Foer and the filmmaker’s different approaches or intentions. Then need to present evidence from both texts accompanied by student’s interpretation and explanations to support the analysis.
– A strong thesis might follow the following template: While Foer’s intentions in the novel were to…., Daldry’s goal seems to be…. as evidenced by…

The essay should be a minimum of 3 full pages in length, and have 5 paragraphs include an introduction with a clear thesis statement, 3 topic paragraphs( topic sentence should be a first sentence) , and a conclusion which applies your essay’s argument to a larger idea or audience.

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