
For this assignment, your task is to find a video of a speech online that you and your instructor have access to (meaning it is available to the public). You may choose a speech by a famous figure. A speech from someone you know personally, or a speech that you find somewhere online (TED Talks, YouTube). Please choose a speech that you are not already familiar with. Use this time to find and learn something new.

Once you’ve viewed the speech, write a single page critique of it and turn it in as a PDF here on Blackboard. Include the speaker’s name, the title of the speech, and a link to the video. Using the suggestions on the Speech Criticism handout, analyze your speech in terms of each of the five canons. You may find it helpful to keep the Five Canons handout and class notes nearby as you write your analysis. Be as clear and specific as possible.

What did the speaker do well in terms of invention? What can he or she work on?

What did the speaker do well in terms of arrangement? What can he or she work on?

What did the speaker do well in terms of style? What can he or she work on?

What did the speaker do well in terms of memory? What can he or she work on?

What did the speaker do well in terms of delivery? What can he or she work on?

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