Question 1
“1. On the theme of IoT and Big Data, write a 3-page (minimum, of content) report. Use other resources from those I uploaded. Be sure to cite sources in APA format. For the report, there should be three parts:
1. A summary / explanation of “Big Data” and why it is important.
2. A summary / explanation of IoT and its importance and
3. Describe how IoT and Big data are related.
Your report should also include examples. Be sure to proof read and write carefully. You may use double spacing and be sure to use 12 pt font or smaller. I will be grading this assignment critically, so take your time. Page headings, figures, long citations, title pages and references pages will not be counted toward total page length.”
Question 2
Watch either (Links to an external site.)
OR (Links to an external site.)
Please write a 1 page review (think of a movie review, NOT A SUMMARY). What did you learn, what was convincing, what wasn’t, what are the implications for US foreign policy?
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