Classical and Operant Conditioning


Finding current, relevant scholarly research is an important step when researching a topic in depth.  In your professional life, it will also be crucial to ensure clients receive the most current evidence-based information.  For this assignment you will use current APA style to create a title page and a reference page. 


  1. Conduct your research: Using resources at the Jerry Falwell Online Library select at least 10 peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles published within the most recent 5 years. Each article must address Classical and/or Operant Conditioning.  See Research Paper: Final Submission Instructions (see assignments tab) to better understand what you are looking to support in your article search.
  1. Create a title page. Please follow current APA guidelines (Student Standards) for formatting your title page. If you have any questions about the proper use of APA formatting, please contact the Writing Center.
  1. Create a reference page. Your reference page must include the textbook, Bible, and a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles, published within the most recent 5 years. Please follow current APA guidelines (Student Standards) for formatting your reference page.
  • Current APA style is required.
  • All scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles must have been published within the most recent 5 years. 
  • Websites and books are not acceptable sources.

If you need assistance finding scholarly journal articles, please check out the  Liberty’s Online Library.  If you have any questions related to current APA formatting, please contact the Writing Center.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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