Case History

1. Include the revised case history from Unit 2.  2. Describe the client’s demographical information. 3. Analyze the client’s presenting problem. 4. Describe the client’s diagnoses using the DSM-5 as a foundation. 5. Apply the assessments used to approach the diagnosis (depression scale, alcoholism screening, ADHD, et cetera). 6. Apply a mental health theory applied from your readings to the case (such as but not limited to cognitive, solution-focused, object relations, narrative, behavioral, or self-psychology). 7. Apply a treatment intervention and describe the specific and best treatment intervention applied, including descriptions of the: o Client’s strengths, weaknesses, and social support systems in the treatment intervention plan applied. o Client’s long-term goal for the treatment intervention plan applied. o Client’s short-term goals and treatment objectives for the treatment intervention plan applied. 8. Create a treatment timeline. 9. Apply the systems theory perspective to include the client’s family (treatment at the micro, mezzo, and macro level). 10. Explain at least one of the potential ethical dilemmas and how to address it through NASW ethical guidelines. 11. Explain the diversity needs for client or family and how to address those needs. 12. Explain how you will evaluate the client’s progress. Describe a client’s demographic information, presenting problem, and diagnoses. (David Jones is a 68 years old married white man. Mr. Jones currently resides at his home in Rawlins, Wyoming on a ranch with his wife Sarah who is a 65 year old white female. David and Sarah have been married for 42 years. David and Sarah have 3 adult children John (40), Elizabeth (38), and Pamela (34). David appears to be neatly dressed and agitated. David has been consulted for treatment at the VA by Sarah. Presenting Problem Mr. Jones has been referred to the Veterans Administration for residential care by his wife because of agitation and memory loss. Mr. Jones has memory loss, agitation, and anger issues. When Mr. Jones was questioned as to what he did for fun, he stated that he drinks anywhere from two to three beers daily and that it is not uncommon for him due to working on the ranch because he feels that beer helps him relax. Mr. Jones voluntarily stated: “what else am I supposed to do, it seems to be the only thing I can do right anymore.” Mr. Jones also stated that his wife is “worried about nothing” and that she is “overreacting.” Mr. Jones wife brought in in to the Veterans Administration four years ago with reports of agitation and memory loss. Records also suggested that otherwise David is a healthy individual and has maintained his annual checkups. Mr. Jones admitted to being aware of increasing memory problems. The circumstance under which the problem is currently manifested is home. He has high cholesterol and is on medication. Diagnosis is Neurocognitive Disorder B. (use the DSM-5 for further info pertaining to this disorder). The assessment used to approach clients diagnosis is neuropsychological testing. Questions 6-12 I will need you to follow the headings and go from there. Additional Requirements The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements: • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA current edition style and formatting standards. • Cited resources: Minimum of 10 scholarly sources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years. • Length of paper: 12–15 double-spaced pages (not including the case history). • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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