Carrier Safety Association

Prior to departing the truck terminal and after the walk-around inspection, Ben, the truck driver, has identified a problem, one that could lead to more dangerous problems for him while he is driving. He reports the problem to the terminal manager, who, afterward, informs Ben that the truck load must go out today and he must take his rig to make the delivery. After discussing this with the mechanic, Ben is told by the terminal manager that the repairs will be done upon his return and after the shipment has been delivered. In a 200-word essay, explain why Ben should not make the delivery with the problematic truck by addressing the OSHA guidelines and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association (FMCSA) guidelines to defend your assertions. This question might require you to research the guidelines prior to formulating a response. Also, briefly address how the pressure from the manager impacts Ben’s ability to successfully perform his job—what are the emotional and psychological implications from the manager’s actions?

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