Question 1
Dave is a driver for Empire Courier Service. Around the company, Dave is known as sort of a hothead. During his previous employment at another company, Dave had been involved in a workplace fistfight with a fellow employee, resulting in criminal charges.
One day, between deliveries and in a company vehicle, Dave decides to get lunch. While leaving the parking lot at Big Burrito Bistro, the favorite lunch spot for most Empire Courier employees, Dave negligently causes a car accident with another vehicle, resulting in injuries to Victor, the driver of the other car. As Dave and Victor are waiting on the side of the road for the police to arrive, Victor comments to Dave, “Oh, you drive for Empire Courier Service. It doesn’t surprise me that Empire hires bad drivers because their service stinks, and their prices are too high!” Dave is so offended that Victor would insult his employer’s professional reputation that he punches Victor in the face, causing Victor to suffer even more injuries. Empire Courier Service does not, as a matter of policy, do criminal background checks on its employees.
Considering the legal principles discussed in Chapter 20, explain who is liable for Dave’s negligence for causing the car accident, and explain who is liable for Dave’s intentional tort for punching Victor. Provide your answers in a case analysis of a minimum of 500 words. Cite any direct quotes or paraphrased material from outside sources. Use APA format.
Question 2
It is obvious that, objectively speaking, there is no ethical bright line test for society to follow. Whether dealing in Business, Law, Journalism, etc. no two realms have the same ethical guidelines. What is accepted in one faction of society is not always accepted and/or ethical in another faction. Moreover, what is accepted in one situation is not always then again accepted in a subsequent similar situation. What then is the bottom line? The bottom line is – there is no accepted bottom line. We all come to our own ethical make-up based on the positions we hold, the religions we hold ourselves out to be and the experiences we have live through. What is your ethical make up?
In a 2-3 page paper, analyze how to ethically guide your life. Do so through determining a set of standards to live by. Furthermore, differentiate where those standards derived from. Finally, conclude how you know these standards are right and/or wrong.
Please be sure to give at least five examples of ethical standards in which everyone should live by. Be sure to use proper APA formatting including a cover page
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