Canadian carbon tax

The issue of carbon tax has generated much debate across Canada with some people in support of it while others vehemently oppose it to the extent of going to court to challenge it. Write an argumentative essay, putting into use your critical thinking skills and power of analysis, the debate between the desirability or otherwise of carbon tax in Canada. The topic must be thoroughly researched and this must show in your essay. You are to discuss the pros and cons of both sides of the debate before you state, in clear terms, your own point of view. The essay should be between 5-7 pages or 2,500-3,500 words excluding the references. All sources must be properly acknowledged in the references. Wikipedia is not acceptable as academic reference. The assignment should clearly indicate the: Title of the Assignment, Course Title & Numbers, Instructor’s Name and Student’s Names and I.D. Number at the top of the first page of the assignment. The font should Time New Roman 12 with 1.5 line spacing. References should be APA format.

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