Question 1- Business Development
Minutes from a Business Development Committee meeting:
1. Proposed extension of range of ready meals.
F Hill reported back to the committee on this matter. There appears to be considerable evidence that ready meals are becoming increasingly popular, particularly in the larger towns and cities where the main buyers appear to be office workers who buy meals during the day to save cooking for themselves in the evening. These products have a high margin. The potential problem with them is that they have a very short shelf life. Foreign foods and “healthy” foods
appear to be more popular than other types. G Wilkes proposed that a detailed costing exercise should be carried out. F Hill suggested that customer opinion could be sought in branches. J Clifton agreed to arrange this. Further discussion was deferred to the next meeting.
2. Introduction of lockable display cabinets.
K Milward reported that she was very unhappy about the introduction of lockable glass covers over many products in branches. Although the committee had approved this three months ago, she felt that it was acting as a considerable deterrent to customers buying products, and sales had suffered accordingly. K Milward agreed to provide further detailed analysis of the fall in sales by line and the effect on profit. R West agreed to quantify the fall in shrinkage levels since these cabinets have been introduced. The matter would be further reviewed in the light of this information at the next meeting.
3. New branch opening.
J Clifton stated that arrangements for the opening of the new branch in Milpitas on November 18 were well in hand. All the normal publicity had been arranged for the event with exception of the 2-page spread in the San Jose Mercury News, which has not yet been arranged because they do not accept advertisements more than 1 month in advance of publication. The design work for the spread has been prepared. It was planned to appear in the November 12 edition. It was agreed that P Smith would arrange this.
4. Seasonal fluctuations in pharmaceutical product sales.
G Wilkes stated that he was concerned about the low sales in pharmaceutical products over the summer months that are experienced every year. Although this is due to very low sales in cough and cold remedies which yield high profits in the winter months, he felt that there were areas that we could expand which would compensate for this to some extent, such as insect repellent, hay fever treatments and skincare products. He is currently reviewing a number of possible products and hopes to have further information available for the next meeting.
5. Results for last month.
GW congratulated everyone, particularly the food sales staff, on very good results.
6. Any other business.
What do you do?
A – Arrange branch opening publicity immediately
B – Organize customer research immediately
C – Arrange branch opening publicity and organize customer research
D – Delegate branch opening publicity
Question 2 – Synchronized Sponsorship
You receive this letter…
FROM: The Synchronized Swimming Society, West Valley College
TO: Marketing Manager, Reeder Ltd, San Jose
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing on behalf of our society, which was formed last year, in the hope that you will feel able to sponsor us on a tour of the Hawaiian islands. We hope to tour the islands next May for two weeks with a team of about 10 people. We plan to give demonstrations of synchronized swimming in the sea and swimming pools and to raise the profile of the sport in general by our presence.
We will be able to display the Reeder name and logo prominently on our swimwear, thus giving a high degree of exposure to your company. We will also be able to publicize the use of some of the food and beauty products that you sell, for example waterproof cosmetics and slimming products (as several of our team have recently been on diets and will happily attribute their success to one or more of the diet programs that you sell).
We would hope that you would consider a figure in the region of $8,000 reasonable for such sponsorship. We look forward to hearing from you and feel sure that this arrangement will be very beneficial to us both in the future.
Yours faithfully,
Alison Worth
What do you do?
A – Refer letter to your boss, Janet, with a recommendation
B – Accept sponsorship
C – Write a declining letter
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