All Sources Must be within in 5 years 2017 – Present (Has to be about the current literature) Scholarly Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Only!!
At least 20 Sources within 5 years. (This study will not be on a hospital. It will be on therapeutic non-profit organizations that provide residential services to youth)
APA Format
Synthesis is very important here for the literature review.
Field of Study: Business Administration
Research Design: Quantitative, Correlational Study
Will be turned into the plagiarism website….
Chapter 2: Literature Review 1 paragraphs
The student introduces this section by providing a brief statement on the purpose of the study and overview of the chapter, so the reader knows what the literature review will address. The student should include background on the historical overview of the problem based on the “gap” or “need” defined in the literature, how it originated, and how it has evolved over time. (The gap is applying transformational leadership style in a non-profit organization during the COVID-19 pandemic or a crisis situation)
This section should include a description concerning how the literature was surveyed (key words and databases employed) so the reader can evaluate the thoroughness of the review. In addition, the final paragraph should end with an overview of the content of Chapter 2.
Theoretical Foundations 2 paragraphs
Identify the theory, concept, or model that frames the study.
If more than one theory, concept, or model is employed in the study, the student should add a Level 3 heading for each. (Transformational leadership, Transactional leadership Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory and Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs)
The learner should clearly link the theory to the research question. (What is the correlation between job satisfaction, satisfaction with supervisor, job position, tenure and turnover intention in a non-profit organizations during the COVID-19 crisis)
For each theory, concept, or model, the student should explain how the research relates, the originators (See above. For example, Burns created the Transformational Leadership Theory in 1950 but Bass further developed the theory around 1980 so and so forth
), its historical development, proponents, opponents, and how the research questions align. Identify the various sub-themes of the theory, concept, or model, as a student will likely expound on these later in the Literature Review.
Overview of discussion for this section:
• Describe studies related to the constructs of interest as well as the chosen methodology and methods that are consistent with the scope of the study.
• Describe ways researchers in the discipline have approached the problem and the strengths and weakness inherent in their approaches.
• Justify from the literature the rationale for selection of the variables or concepts.
• Review and synthesize studies related to the key concepts and/or phenomena under investigation to produce a description of what is known about them, what is controversial, and what remains to be studied.
• Review and synthesize studies related to the research questions and why the approach selected is meaningful.
The student should begin this section with an introduction that identifies the topics and subtopics to be discussed.
Topics/Sub Topics for Discussion Below (All should be Included)
Non-profit Organizations – Paid employees (1 Paragraph)
Management and Leadership (1 Paragraph)
Leadership resilience in a crisis (COVID-19 Pandemic) (1 Paragraph)
Transformational Leadership (and MLQ) (1 Paragraph)
Transactional Leadership (1 Paragraph)
Transformational Leadership vs Transactional Leadership (1 Paragraph)
Intrinsic Needs (Maslow) (1 Paragraph)
Hygiene Theory (Herzberg) (1 Paragraph)
Extrinsic Needs (1 Paragraph)
Organizational Commitment (1 Paragraph)
Turnover (Retention during the pandemic)(1 Paragraph)
Topic 1
This discussion should be subdivided by major theme or topic and contain a synthesis of previous researchers’ findings who have built their research off the theory, concept, or model that you have employed.
Sub topic 1.
Sub topic 2.
Topic 2
This discussion should be subdivided by major theme or topic and contain a synthesis of previous researchers’ findings who have built their research off the theory, concept, or model that you have employed
Topic 3
This discussion should be subdivided by major theme or topic and contain a synthesis of previous researchers’ findings who have built their research off the theory, concept, or model that you have employed
Methodology Quantitative – Quantitative, Correlational Study – 2 Paragraphs
This section contains a synthesis of current literature regarding your selected methodology and research design as employed by previous researchers in your field of study. The purpose of this section is to provide a discussion of how other scholars are currently using your selected methodology and research design in your topic area. This section should contain an argument for your selected methodology and research design based on recent empirical research articles. (Within 5 years – Very Important)
Instrument or Data Collection Method Quantitative, Study using the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) and turnover Intention Survey (TI) created by Dr. Paul Sector – 2 Paragraphs
This section contains a synthesis of the literature regarding the selected instrument (quantitative studies) The purpose of this section is to provide a discussion of how other scholars are currently using your selected instrument or data collection method in your topic area. This section should contain an argument for your selected data collection instrument or data collection method based on recent empirical research articles.
Summary 2 paragraphs
In this section, the student summarizes content covered in the chapter, synthesizes information from the chapter to identify the research gap, and provides the foundation for the problem statement, research questions, methodology, and research design.
A final paragraph of the section should provide an overview of the content covered in Chapter 3.
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