Bomb Calorimeter

Question 1

With the increasing concerns to health, the calorie content of the meal has become an important factor affecting customer’s decision in restaurants. The calorie content of food is usually measured using the bomb calorimeter. Please write a short essay (nor more than a page, Times New Roman, 12 point, single space,) about the operation principle of the bomb calorimeter, its operation procedure, and list the calories of at least three meals sold in a fast food chain restaurant such as McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, or others. You may use picture, figure, and table in your answers.

Question 2

For this assignment, you will write a 5–7-page research-based paper, not including the cover page and reference page, describing the practice of public health and how a public health degree relates to your career goals. The paper must provide insight into your understanding of the scope of public health practice and the importance of community interventions to solve population-based problems from a biblical worldview. The paper must use current AMA format and include at least 5 peer-reviewed or governmental sources. Sources must be less than 5 years old.

Question 3

The Assignment – Submit a review of an article where physical security failed.

Physical security in Information technology such as an article, newspaper or magazine article referencing a failure of physical security such as unauthorized access were given.

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