Biology Video Review

Biology is the study of life. One way to get a sense of the history of life on Earth is to create a timeline. Of course, it is not an easy task! Scientists have to work with fossil evidence and clues to try to piece together the major events … but what an amazing, epic journey it must have been!

To help you visualize what may have occurred, watch part of this video about the history of life of Earth.

*To save time …. Begin at 15 minutes and end at 45 minutes of this video.

Earth: Making of a Planet (National Geographic)

Post > 100 words:

(3 pts) Write your own video summary. When did life first appear? What type of cell was it (prokaryote or eukaryote)? Single or multicellular? What organisms first increased oxygen levels through photosynthesis? What were the first animals? Plants?

(4 pts) Make a chronological list of the main life forms, including plants and animals, and the approximate year and era they appeared. For full points, list at least 8 events along the timeline. Need help? Go to the BBC Geological timeline. Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

(3 pts) If you could magically transport yourself through time, what time period (era) would you visit and why? Describe your adventure!

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