Anatomy And Physiology

Case Study Problem-Based Learning

Problem-based learning provides an intriguing method for studying anatomy and physiology, providing an opportunity to engage students in both the process and content of learning. By using authentic / fictional clinical case studies, the “problem” serves as the framework for problem-solving, stimulating discussion, and reinforcing learning. Additionally, problem-based learning provides an opportunity to identify and develop skills which enable one to become a self-directed, life-long learner. Since the emphasis is placed on both process and content, it is hoped that students will have improved their skills in identifying learning outcomes and objectives, identifying resources, synthesizing material, and presenting information.


In this course, you will be provided with an opportunity to use a problem-based learning approach to reinforce your anatomy and physiology knowledge base, as well as beginning to develop skills as a life-long learner. You will be randomly divided into groups of 6-8 students and, will be provided with one case study to research over the course of the semester.

Within each case study will be a number of “guiding objectives” to provide a basis for discovery. You will be expected to reflect upon, and present, concepts related to the underlying anatomy and physiology (however, are encouraged to explore further areas of interest within the topic).

For evaluation, you will complete a short research paper describing your guiding objectives and how they relate to the case study. The paper is to be no longer than 5 pages, double-spaced, in 12-pt font. The paper should follow proper APA formatting guidelines. This paper must involve the efforts of the entire group however, should read as a concise manuscript. One group member will need to submit the paper on behalf of the group on the assigned deadline.

Finally, each group will be required to submit ten multiple choice questions based upon the specified learning objectives. The questions from all groups will be compiled and provided to the class prior to the final exam. A number of questions will be chosen randomly from this list, with the remainder of the exam created by the instructor.


In leading towards the completion of the PBL case study, each group will designate one group member to complete each of the assigned tasks in the assignment (as indicated in the group contract). The designated group members will then be responsible for the completion of each task and, must submit their assigned component by the given deadline in a designated moodle dropbox. This submission will then be evaluated as that individual’s component of the assignment and, will be used to ensure that each step of the presentation is completed in a timely manner. It is imperative that throughout the process of completing the paper, each member seek feedback from the entire group on the component they completed.

Note that late submissions will not be accepted.

The workflow for completion of the assignment is as follows:

Submission of Group Contract


Submission of Guiding Objectives ()

Submission of Introduction, Conclusion, and Compiled Paper ()

Submission of Final Paper, APA Formatting,  and MCQ ()

The “Case Study” component of your BIO 1107 grade is worth 15% of the overall grade.

This 15% will be broken down as:

a) Group Contract (1%) – Due

b) Individual Contribution (5%) – Due

c) Research Paper (5%) – Due

d) Self-evaluation (3%) – Due

e) Ten MCQ (1%) – Due


PBL Self Evaluation Form

NAME: _____________________________________________ DATE: ______________

GROUP & CASE: ______________________________________


Please complete the following self-evaluation to evaluate your learning as a result of engaging in the BIO 1107 case study assignment. Be sure to be as clear and concise as possible and, where applicable, include any “evidence” to support your assessment.

Pre-assessment: (To be completed before the assignment)

1. What do you need to learn?


2. How will you know you have successfully achieved this learning?


3. What skill(s) would you like to build and refine over the course of the assignment?


4. How will you know you have successfully achieved this skill-building?


5. What is the driving question for the case study, particularly your section of the case study?


6. List the major steps to be taken to “define, narrow, and explore” the topic.


Assessment: (To be completed after the assignment)

1. What is the most important thing you learned?


2. What do you wish you had spent more time on or, done differently?


3. What part of the project did you do your best work on?


Final self-assessment:

Based upon your learning, please assess your achievement on this project (1-10). Note that, your evaluation should be supported with evidence.

Self-Evaluation: _______________

Please include support for your self-assessed grade below:



PBL Research Paper Individual Contribution Rubrics

Rubric 1: Guiding Objectives ComponentLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4
INTRODUCTIONThe introduction to the guiding objective is absent 0 MARKSIntroduction to the guiding objective is unclear, explaining few parts of the topic. 1 MARKSIntroduction to the guiding objective is somewhat clear, explaining some parts of the topic. 2 MARKSIntroduction to the guiding objective is exceptionally clear, explaining all parts of the topics with depth and breadth 3 MARKS
RESEARCHThe research for the guiding objective is absent 0 MARKSThe research is present, however the literature cited is irrelevant and disconnected 2 MARKSThe research is present, with relevant literature included and minimal connections between the literature and topic 4 MARKSThe research is exceptionally clear, combining relevant literature on the topic in a concise and coherent manner 6 MARKS
ACCURACYThe research cited does not accurately support the topic, with numerous scientific errors present. 0 MARKSThe research cited supports the topic with minimal accuracy. Many scientific errors are present. 1 MARKSThe research cited accurately supports the topic, with few scientific errors present. 2 MARKSThe research cited supports the topic with exceptional accuracy. No scientific errors are present. 3 MARKS
GRAMMAR AND SPELLINGErrors in word selection, usage, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation and capitalization detract from meaning 0.5 MARKSMany errors in word selection, usage, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation and capitalization 1 MARKSome errors in word selection, usage, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation and capitalization 1.5 MARKSFew errors in word selection, usage, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation and capitalization 2 MARKS
SOURCESNo sources were included in the reference section 0 MARKSMinimal sources included displaying poor quality to support the material. Minimal necessary information is included with source. 1 MARKSResources included with some lacking quality to support the material. Most necessary information is included with source. 2 MARKSHigh quality resources included to support the material. All necessary information is included with source. 3 MARKS

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