Analysis of Principles


Test 2 of the C300 Academic Year 23-24

This exam assesses your understanding and analysis of principles, common operational precepts, multinational precepts, time, space and purpose factors, joint and service roles and unified action in joint operations.
General instructions
• This exam consists of 5 questions. Please be sure to include an answer for each question.
• This exam is an assessment to take at home, open book, and has a value of 50% of your Block C300 grade. It must be delivered to your DJIMO instructor no later than 0830 a.m. on the day of the C399 exercise or before 0830hrs on September 6, 2023.
• Type responses double-spaced, and in Times New Roman font size 12. Do not repeat the question in your answer. Simply write down the number of the question you are answering.
• Instructors can only answer administrative questions.
• Upload your exam file to area C300 Test 2 on Bb before 0830 on the day of C399; you will receive feedback on Bb.
• All work must be an individual product. Do not discuss this problem or your answers with anyone else.
• Do not copy, replay, or share this exam.

Calculation of the grade
• 12 points per task on question 1 x 4 = 48 points
• 12 points per question 2 = 12 points
• 10 points per question for 3, 4 and 5 = 30 points
• 10 points for organization and style = 10 points TOTAL POINTS: 100

  1. (48 points – 400 word limit) Using Indo-Asia-Pacific Situation D as a reference, several tasks that need to be performed to support operations are listed below. For each of the tasks listed, recommend and justify a possible unit from the list provided to perform each of the likely tasks. Be sure to describe in your justification the trade-off point between the capabilities and limitations of your unit.
    a. Form the command of an MNTF within an area of joint operations to be prepared for forced entry operations.
    b. Prepare to rid North Sumatra of enemy forces, stabilize it and transfer it to the Indonesian security and military forces.

c. Protect the Strait of Malacca (avoid interference with world trade).
d. Support Indonesian military forces to quell possible unrest/subversive activities in Aceh.

  1. (12 points – 200 word limit) Use the situation in Indo-Asia-Pacific and the tasks listed in the first question as a reference. Describe how the Air Force’s fundamental missions of command and control and rapid global mobility reinforce or enable joint forces to perform these tasks.
  2. (10 points – 200 word limit) Use the Indo-Asia-Pacific situation and the tasks listed in question one as a reference. Choose three of the tasks listed and in each describe how space capabilities reinforce or enable joint forces to perform these tasks.
  3. (10 points – 100 word limit) See Indo-Asia-Pacific situation D. In its view,
    Which cyberspace operation is the most challenging in establishing an MNTF and why?
  4. (10 points – limit of 200 words) Within the reference situation in the Indo-Asia-Pacific an unforeseen situation has emerged. One of the region’s nuclear-capable nations has indicated that U.S. control of the Strait of Malacca would be unacceptable and could lead to a military response. The United States developed the nuclear triad as a deterrent to reduce the possibility of a nuclear response. Describe one of the three elements (components) of the triad and explain its advantages and disadvantages in your response.

Overall score. (10 points) Organization and style will be assessed in accordance with the CGSC writing standards taught and assessed during lesson C172 and Leader Communication, ST 22-2.

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