choose a piece of MSOE promotional material to analyze.

Use terms from the text as they are relevant to explaining the way these speakers are contributing to the sense of MSOE as a unified community.

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• Review the textbook chapters that cover “organizational culture.” Take note of the ways that verbal interactions, specific words and language, and rhetorical “positioning” play in creating culture, belongingness, and a cohesive, intellectual whole.

• Pay special attention to the way the university builds an idea of ​​what MSOE is like as a community and institution, using a specific piece of MSOE promotional material the university has developed for newcomers (potential students) such as the website, a brochure or booklet , or video. Analyze the culture of MSOE using the university’s own words about itself, and your impression as a member of the MSOE community.

Begin with your own impressions: include a brief summary of how you understand the university’s culture – what is MSOE like? Look for elements of the organizational culture that an ethnographer would find as part of an observation of campus groups and the everyday lived experience of MSOE Students. Identify specific factors to support your statements (tell us what clues made you think that the students are competitive, or outgoing, or reclusive…)

Compare your impression to what is communicated to prospective students (and their families) through official recruiting materials. (e.g. promotional videos, the website, printed booklets or brochures, etc. – oriented at prospective students – limit your analysis to one item only).

Please note that I want you to prioritize holistic, whole-message approaches to communication, rather than extracting meaning from a small part such as an isolated gesture or phrase, or nonverbal factor. Nonverbal communication, gestures, and proxemics may be included include these details Are very clearly relevant to the message as a whole, but they should not be the focus.

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