American Civil War

For more than 160 years, historians have painstakingly searched for the one factor that caused the American Civil War, the event that caused disunion to turn to war. The search is so intense that the American Civil War is one of the most researched events in the history of the United States. Throughout Unit VII, we have seen various events or variables that could be identified as a factor that has set the United States on a path toward the American Civil War. This one factor and its impact will be the focus of our Unit VII assignment.

Select one event from the list below and describe why you believe this single event caused such intense disunion within the United States that the country was placed on a trajectory toward the American Civil War.
The Compromise of 1850
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
Presidential Election of 1856
Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates
John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry
Presidential Election of 1860
Provide an insightful and thorough overview of the event and clearly describe how it served as a catalyst for the American Civil War.

Because this is an academic research paper, no personal opinions are to be used. Stay focused on the research.

Recommended electronic databases to use:
America: History and Life
Academic Search Ultimate
Construct what is known as a 3×5 essay. That means you will write a total of five full paragraphs, three of which will be supporting evidence paragraphs focused on one specific supporting point identified by a clear topic sentence. The other two paragraphs will be the introduction, which comes first and will include your thesis statement, and the conclusion, which comes last and will recap all your main points.

Please try to refrain from using crazy vocabulary. Please cite properly. Thank you!

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