Question 1
Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order. Quantitative research generally falls into two categories, experimental and nonexperimental. An experimental study is considered to be the gold standard of research in which it typically involves the use of control groups, experimental groups, and random assignments to provide evidence for cause and effect relationships. Specifically, this type of research generally results in strict standards for establishing validity through the manipulation of variables. When using random assignments equal opportunities are afforded to eliminate systematic biases.
On the other hand, nonexperimental research can be used to either describe a situation as it stands without manipulation of variables by the researcher, or, as a correlation relating to the relationship between two variables. Moreover, nonexperimental groups do not interfere with the study, they merely observe. In such cases, surveys and questionnaires are used to provide a knowledge base to the researcher. In such studies, the validity of nonexperimental research is usually a matter of question due to the lack of control. However, since nonexperimental studies do not attempt to manipulate variables, nonexperimental studies may be viewed as a more ethical practice.
Sousa, Valmi D., Driessnack, Martha, & Mendes, Isabel Amélia Costa. (2007). An overview of research designs relevant to nursing: Part 1: quantitative research designs. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 15(3), 502-507
Question 2
Select one of the following and discuss in no less than three paragraphs, and have at least one response to another student of at least one paragraph:
- Suppose you work as a security analyst and during a weekly meeting your supervisor asks for your opinion about the ways in which the department could best identify vulnerabilities that a hacker could potentially exploit on a network. Analyze the potential security concerns, and identify what you believe to be the greatest concerns in terms of vulnerabilities. Describe the method(s) you would use to identify the related exploit(s). Explain your desired method(s) to perform this vulnerability analysis.
- Suggest the tool(s) that you would use to perform all or a portion of the analysis mentioned in Part 1 of this discussion. Justify the manner in which such tools could assist with these efforts.
- Any current topic or article related to penetration techniques.
- The instructor insight.
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