Airport Operations and Management

Operations Project/Mission Description
The intent of this section is set to introduce the reader to the CONOP and identify its importance. It entails a short description of what the operation is all about and who it is supporting. Additional components of this section will be crew lists, location of the operation, times and dates, etc.
Project/Mission Execution
The intent of this section is to identify who will be conducting the operation within the organization. Additionally, it should describe where the operation occurs and when it will happen. This should be short and concise. It should refer the reader to the appendices where details exist for;
• Specific planning details for tasks at hand.
• What the end-state of this operation is about.
• Detail on how the operation will be conducted.
• Maps that support detail for launch and recovery (Maps / Satellite imagery etc.).
• Airspace considerations.
• Regulations affecting the operation from federal down to local govt.
• Weather details that support information needed to determine 107.51 requirements.
• Decision matrices on elements such as hardware or mission flow (as applicable).
• Tasks lists.
• Hazards and Emergencies and how these would be dealt with.
• Aircraft performance-related information to support timelines.
• Post mission tasks and data analysis.

The intent of this section is to identify administrative tasks and operationally relevant considerations. Refer readers to details in appendices that covers items like the following;
• Preflight Risk Assessment Tool and associated safety information.
• Aircraft hardware and supporting gear.
• Systems software for all hardware.
• Any specific procedure or process pertinent to the operation.
• Any type of transportation considering capabilities and limitations.
• Routes to travel to get to detailed mission sites.
• Human factor elements for flight, during travel, after missions during overnight stays.

In the section, it is important to identify how communications will occur for the specific operation at hand. General statements in the narrative as to coordination and communications devices can be briefly explained. Appendices would include the following;
• Communications devices for the team during the operation.
• Aviation communication plan on use (plus device and frequencies).
• Coordination with customers, landowners for property rights, government entities for access, and even waiver requests.

This section will include several assessments. It should conclude the writers analysis of challenges, limitations, and mitigations. Can the operation occur based on given information, or should it be modified, and how it would be modified. What is needed to conduct a professional, safe, and efficient mission as established in the scenario provided.

Add relevant reference citations that support your work, including any assertions or identification of facts.
This paper must feature the use of proper APA citations and references; be grammatically-sound and free of spelling errors, follows required formatting rules; and fully addresses the given assignment.
Add a supporting citation to sentences that are not entirely your own observation. It is good practice to use supporting citations as it lends credibility to what you are stating. Add citations throughout document when you state something that is not your own original thought. If you do not cite a source and it is not your original thought, it is PLAGIARISM.

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