Advocating for Educational Policies


The study analyzed peer-reviewed articles to assess the effectiveness of evidence-based education initiatives in nations other than the United States of America. It will also explore why American stakeholders should embrace a comparable approach. Providing details about Project- Based Learning and decreasing the number of students in classes. Providing advantages and disadvantages for each evidence-based initiative in other countries.

The origins of education date back to ancient times. In the absence of teachers’ families, knowledge was obtained through oral traditions that were transmitted by older members of the family. As controversies emerged worldwide, educational procedures began to evolve. The educational development system varied throughout different countries. Each nation implemented distinct educational policies and methodologies to determine the content and delivery of instruction to pupils. Could these nations contribute to the formation of the American Educational System?
Throughout the years, the education system in the United States has increasingly been intertwined with politics. This matter has been highly contentious; however, it does not tackle educational disparities. Various nations next to the United States are employing diverse educational approaches to bridge the disparities. Currently, the efficacy and prevalence of educational approaches employed beyond the borders of the United States have witnessed a notable rise. It is crucial for local stakeholders to comprehend the impact of these initiatives on the American Education system. Implementing these principles has the potential to eliminate disparities in American classrooms. Project-Based Learning (PBL) and lowering classroom size are strategies employed by various countries to enhance student achievement and narrow educational disparities. Project-based learning is founded on the principle that collaborative problem-solving activities enhance the educational setting, the acquisition of knowledge, and academic achievement of students. Project-based learning acknowledges the significance of collaborative learning and, as a result, necessitates the formation of student groups (Mulhim & Eldokhny, 2020).

According to Mulhim and Eldokhny “project-based learning as systematic methods of teaching and learning that give students opportunities to learn from the real world through presentations” (2020, p. 4). This enables the student to acquire skills and develop a comprehensive comprehension of standards and concepts. Engaging students in project-based learning fosters collaboration among them, thereby keeping them motivated. The students must apply the acquired abilities to successfully accomplish any project or assignment. They are collaborating, exchanging expertise, and fostering friendships. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Singapore have experienced significant advantages from implementing project-based learning. These pupils have the potential to cultivate their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. They may utilize those talents to address the situation without the need for memorizing the material. Acquired talents can prove advantageous in their future endeavors.
PBL, or Project-Based Learning, is an example of an approach highly attuned to cultural diversity. Culturally responsive teaching refers to the capacity to identify and acknowledge students’ cultural expressions of learning, utilize cultural knowledge as a supportive framework, foster efficient information processing, and establish meaningful social-emotional connections with students (Hammond, 2015). Project-based learning can promote students’ expression of knowledge in a culturally significant manner, while simultaneously nurturing their uniqueness and self-expression. The study demonstrates the potential of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) to inspire and maintain the students’ motivation and involvement throughout the project. It provides individuals with the capacity to assume responsibility for their work, fosters engaged learners, and cultivates leaders. Project-Based Learning (PBL) can alter a classroom’s dynamics. The students are establishing reliable connections with both their peers and their instructor, fostering a constructive environment conducive to learning for all individuals.

While project-based learning has notable academic success, it may encounter certain difficulties during its execution. The student’s introduction to PBL received negative feedback. It is advisable to incorporate teachers’ perception to identify the measures that will facilitate successful implementation and mitigate potential adverse effects (Mulhim & Eldokhny, 2020).
Teachers must possess the knowledge and skills required to effectively introduce Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodologies to their pupils. A further obstacle lies in fostering collaboration among all students. Certain students prefer to work independently. Project-Based Learning (PBL) fosters cooperative learning; hence educators need to discern the characteristics of effective group work.
Furthermore, the implementation of smaller class sizes has proven to be an effective strategy in educational settings beyond the borders of the United States, resulting in notable academic progress. France is a country that decreases its class sizes to evaluate the impact on students’ academic achievements. The objective is to minimize the disparities in knowledge acquisition. The study was specifically centered on elementary school grades. The emphasis was placed on students in the first and second grade, transitioning from one academic year to the next. The decision was made to decrease the class size from 24 to 12 to mitigate educational disparities (Pellegrini & Vivanet, 2020). Additional teachers were hired due to the decrease in student population in the class. Decreasing the class size will result in more individual instruction for each student. Smaller classes facilitate the teacher’s ability to readily recognize any challenges or difficulties a student may be experiencing in a particular subject or area Right away. The educator will be capable of addressing all the needs of the learners. The smaller number of class size resulted in improvements in the students’ riding performances.

Reducing the number of students in a class can have positive effects on a classroom that consists of a wide range of students. The teacher and students establish interpersonal connections. A small class size enables the teacher to discern the student’s learning style. It assists the teacher in determining which teaching tactics they would implement. The effort to decrease the class size may encounter many obstacles within the education system. Reducing the class size incurs costs since it necessitates the employment of more teachers. Another concern that the United States encounters is the shortage of teachers. The attrition rate of teachers in the education sector has resulted in a significant challenge for the district in terms of recruitment. A reduction in class size could be an incentive to draw former educators back to the profession and appeal to prospective new teachers.
In conclusion, project-based learning and the decreasing classroom size represent two educational approaches that have been used in different countries other than the United States. These methods have been advantageous for these countries. The students demonstrated improvements, indicating the effectiveness of the approach. Consequently, stakeholders in the US educational system acknowledge the potential of incorporating such approaches in our classrooms. These measures can mitigate specific gaps among the students.


Hammond, Z. (2015). Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. Corwin.



Mulhim, E. N. A., & Eldokhny, A. A. (2020). The impact of collaborative group size on students’ achievement and product quality in Project-Based learning environments. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (Ijet), 15(10), 157.
Pellegrini, M., & Vivanet, G. (2020). Evidence-Based policies in Education: initiatives and challenges in Europe. ECNU Review of Education, 4(1), 25–45.

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