Question 1
In a case that involves diversity jurisdiction, why would one of the parties prefer a state court to a federal court or vice versa?
Consider a television or a radio advertisement and indicate how commercial speech is protected to a lesser degree than individual speech in our society.
What is the difference between substantive and procedural due process?
In your opinion, how far should freedom of speech go?Should advertisers be allowed to express opinions that disparage competition?Should satire be protected to the degree where it is crude or obscene in some opinions?
Several states have enacted statutes allowing for the medical use of marijuana.The federal government has (thus far) a clear policy against allowing cannabis clubs and the like to distribute the drug.Can the federal government overstep a state initiative?If so, under what authority?
What are the reasons that a court can review and set aside an administrative agency decision?Give an example of two ways that an agency decision might be overturned.
Question 2
Summarize two articles from the Wall Street Journal. Each article must have a business issue and legal issue. Use your own words, do not inject your opinion. Provide thorough summaries. You may want to draft the summaries in Word then paste it in the textbox below.
Use your own words, do not express your opinion – simply report on what the article says and indicate how it affects business. Indicate the title of the article, and date it appeared in the journal. Make sure it is a recent article (within the last two weeks)
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