ACE2 Gene

Assignment 10

Pictures if the coronavirus (like the one above) show that it is covered with spikes. These recognize and stick to a protein called ACE2, which is found on the surface of our cells in the lungs and in the gastro-intestinal tract.  This is the first step to an infection. This protein receptor is also the place where other coronaviruses infect us.

The ACE2 gene in humans is responsible for the coding of the protein. We know where this gene is located. Suppose that we are able to edit the ACE2 gene in a way that makes the protein not act as a receptor for the spikes on the outside of a coronavirus. This makes you immune to or at least significantly reduces the risk of infection by the virus. Suppose the gene editing technology used is so good that it does not miss editing any instances of the ACE2 gene sequence and doesn’t do any edits in the wrong place or incorrect edits at the right location.

Suppose the editing is covered by BC’s MSP. Suppose it was as painless as a flu vaccine shot and could be done on an out-patient basis

Q1. Suppose the editing was done just on on your somatic cells. Would you have this done on you? Would you recommend that others have it done? Are these ethical reasons that would mean that you should not have it done even if it is restricted to just your own somatic cells? Are there ethical reasons that would mean that you should have it done — for example, for the sake of others?

Length guidance 250-500 words.

Satisfactory grade (a) answer gives clear response to question and supports that response is correct, (b) answer understandable by reader without background in course materials, (c) answer makes use of course assigned reading materials by including references to these materials, (d) answer contains no obvious mistakes in reasoning or facts . 

A satisfactory grade is given as 1/1.

Q2. Suppose the editing was germiline editing. The editing included both your own somatic cells but also germ cells. Would you have this done on you? Would you recommend that others have it done? Are these ethical reasons that would mean that you should not have it done? Are there ethical reasons that would mean that you should have it done — for example, for the sake of others?

Length guidance 250-500 words.

Satisfactory grade (a) answer gives clear response to question and supports that response is correct, (b) answer understandable by reader without background in course materials, (c) answer makes use of course assigned reading materials by including references to these materials, (d) answer contains no obvious mistakes in reasoning or facts . 

A satisfactory grade is given as 1/1.

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