Amphibious Operations and the Emerging Operating Environment

Please respond the the following 2 prompts in roughly 300 words each. Reference the reading that is attached for additional information on these topics.

Prompt 1:

Consider the historical challenges to amphibious operations outlined in the reading. Based on your current understanding of amphibious operations and the emerging operating environment, which past challenge(s) presented the greatest obstacle to amphibious success? In what ways? Do these still apply in the future?

Prompt 2:

MCDP 1 defines maneuver warfare as a “warfighting philosophy that seeks to shatter the enemy’s cohesion through a series of rapid, violent and unexpected actions which create a turbulent and rapidly deteriorating situation with which he cannot cope.” Consider a large-scale (MEB or larger) amphibious assault against a militarily capable enemy. In what ways can an amphibious force (ATF and LF combined) generate tempo and create a rapidly deteriorating situation for the enemy that will eventually shatter their cohesion? In answering, consider the full spectrum of maneuver warfare principles. Seek to include a hypothetical or historical example(s) in support of your answer.

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