Evidence-Based Practice Committee: Role of MSN Prepared Nurse In EBP
The final task of the evidence-based committee is to discuss the role of the MSN prepared nurse in evidence-based practice. There will be a specific focus on addressing the barriers as well as facilitators to implementation of an evidence-based practice.
Objective: To explore the role of the MSN prepared nurse.
Assignment Type: Evidence Based Practice
• Bullet points list of discussion
• Decision (1-2 paragraph summary of how MSN prepared nurse address barriers and facilitators.
Discussion Requirements:
Initial Post (Each Committee Member via Discussions)
Prompt: After reviewing the materials from the current module and outside materials, describe what you believe the role of the MSN prepared nurse is in evidence-based practice? How is it the same or different from your current role? What barriers and facilitators to the implementation of evidence based practice have been identified in the literature?
How might the MSN prepared nurse minimize the identified barriers and enhance the identified facilitators?
Overall Style: Throughout your discussion, use APA formatting and citations. Write using scholarly writing principles related to grammar and spelling conventions.
Possible References:
Pick 2/3 from the following:
• Clarke, V., Lehane, E., Mulcahy, H., & Cotter, P. (2021). Nurse practitioner’s implementation of evidence-based practice into routine care: A scoping review. Links to an external site. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 18(3), 180-189. https://doi.org/
• Mathieson, A., Grande, G., & Luker, K. (2019). Strategies, facilitators and barriers to implementation of evidence-based practice in community nursing Links to an external site.. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 20, e6. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1463423618000488
• McArthur, C., Hewston, P., Giangregorio, L., Straus, S., and Papaioannou, A. (2021). Barriers and facilitators to implementing evidence-based guidelines in long-term care Links to an external site.. Implementation Science, 16 (1),70. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13012-021-01140-0.
• Balakas, K. & Smith, J.R. (2016). Evidence-based practice and quality improvement in nursing education. Links to an external site. Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 30(3). 191-194. https://doi.org/10.1097/JPN.0000000000000197.
• Bianchi, M., Bagnasco, A., Bressan, V., Barisone, M., Timmins, F., Rossi, S., Pellegrini, R., Alex, G., & Sasso, L. (2018).A review of the role of leadership in promoting and sustain evidence-based practice.Links to an external site. Journal of Nursing Management, 26, 9180932. https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.12638.
• Fencl, J.L., & Matthews, C. (2017). Translating evidence into practice: How advanced practice RNs can guide nurses in challenging established practice to arrive at best practice. Links to an external site. AORN Journal, 106(5),378-392. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.aorn.2017.09.002.
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