Improving Healthcare Services

The influence of poverty on health is a problem that transcends national borders. This week’s readings discussed some of the political, economic, and ethical issues that lead to health disparities in developed and developing countries. In addition, in this week’s first media presentation, Dr. Mancuso and Dr. Huijer shared insights on working within political systems to bring about positive changes in health care. Think about the importance of nurses in addressing these needs and in bringing about change.
To prepare for this Discussion:
• Review the case study “Improving the Health of the Poor in Mexico.” Then, prepare your response to the following questions:
o In general, how do politics and economics influence health and health care?
o What might the benefits be of awarding the mothers cash grants as described in the case study about the Progress/Opportunities program?
o What social problems might be created by giving the mothers cash grants as described in the case study?
o As described in the case study, do you think the resources were ethically distributed? (Think about stereotyping.)
o What changes do you think should be made to the Progress/Opportunities program, if any?
o If the Progress/Opportunities program were to be discontinued for any reason, what could you, as a nurse, say that might help to maintain funding?
o Do you think a similar program, one like the Progress/Opportunities program, might work in your community? Why or why not?
Post your response to the following prompts:
• Respond to the rubric question about how politics affects health and healthcare.
• Review the case study “Improving the Health of the Poor in Mexico.” Then, prepare your response to the following questions on the rubric:
o What might the benefits be of awarding the mothers cash grants as described in the case study?
o What ethical dilemmas or social problems might be created by giving the mothers cash grants as described in the case study?
o As described in the case study, do you think the resources were ethically distributed? (Think about stereotyping.)
o If the Progress/Opportunities program were to be discontinued for any reason, what could you, as a nurse, say that might help to maintain funding?
o Do you think a similar program, one like the Progress/Opportunities program, might work in your community? Why or why not?
Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.
Note Initial Post: A 3-paragraph (at least 300 words) response. Be sure to use evidence Links to an external site. from the readings and include in-text citations Links to an external site.. Utilize essay-level Links to an external site. writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material Links to an external site. and organizational frames Links to an external site.. Avoid quotes; paraphrase Links to an external site. to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list Links to an external site. is required. Use the most current evidence Links References should not be greater than 5 years old

• Holtz, C. (2022). Global health care: Issues and policies (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.
o Chapter 4, “Global Perspectives on Economics and Healthcare Finance” (pp. 94-121)

• Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2016). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (9th ed.). Elsevier.
Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community, 9th Ed. by Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. Copyright 2015 by Elsevier Health Science Books. Reprinted by permission of Elsevier Health Science Books via the Copyright Clearance Center.

o Chapter 8, “Public Health Policy” (pp. 167–187)Download Chapter 8, “Public Health Policy” (pp. 167–187)

• Levine, R. (2007). Case studies in global health: Millions saved. Jones & Bartlett.
o Case 9, “Improving the Health of the Poor in Mexico” (pp. 65–72)

Bassett, M. (2015, November). Why your doctor should care about social justice Links to an external site.[Video]. TED conference.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 14 minutes.

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