Paper Analysis

For this paper, you should first analyze the case (Army Aviation Depot Does an About-Face) provided in the Project Information module and answer the questions below as noted. First, read the case and answer the following questions to prepare for writing the paper:

a. What is happening?

b. What is the problem?

c. What information do I have, what is relevant, and what do I need?

d. How do I categorize this information to make it useful and how do I analyze this information?

e. What general principles are emerging?

MSM 6645 Case Analysis Instructions – Term 1 2022

For this paper, you will analyze the case provided and answer questions. You will need the following readings in addition to your textbook:

• Baldrige Framework/MBNQA – Criteria 1, 2, 3 only
• The case (Army Aviation Depot Does an About-Face)
• PESTLE items – see file in the Project Information module – and see SWOT below
• 6 Box OR 7 S diagnostic models (pick one, do not use both; use a minimum of three boxes or Ss)
• SWOT (identify Strengths & Weaknesses, use the PESTLE list for Opportunities and Threats). Please note that a SWOT analysis will usually require a minimum of three items in each category.
• Kotter’s Model.

Your assignment is to look at the Army Aviation Depot Does an About-Face case and identify the correct sequence of events, to include the environment before the changes were made, the problem, analysis, decisions, changes, actions, and the outcomes. This follows the basic PDSA (plan, do, study, act) model in the course but includes a little more detail. Since this is a successful process improvement intervention which has already been completed, it’s up to you to identify the existing environment before the changes (SWOT and PESTEL), how the goals of the Corpus Christi Army Depot (CCAD) aligned with the decisions that were made and actions taken, and the outcomes. This will allow you to see the impact of a continuous improvement project from beginning to end, and how the sequence of events forms a process.

You will analyze this case and write a paper approximately five pages long (plus an executive summary and a title page) following APA 7th Ed. requirements (title page, double-spaced, APA citations and references, etc.). More information may be available through the Internet if you need assistance with seventh edition formatting.

In a case analysis, you first want to read through the case and become familiar with it and then review the case looking at the list of Criteria above, looking to see where they fit. Keep in mind that a textbook is not ordinarily used for references because it is, in and of itself, supported by a huge list of references. However, in this course you may use your textbook as one of your references. Appendices will include the SWOT you developed, the completed diagnostic model of your choice, and the MBNQA/Baldrige Framework (picture/diagram only) limited to 1, 2 &

  1. The discussion for all of these will be in your document and appendices as support for your analysis.

You will need a minimum of eight references, at least five of which must be academic articles; you may use any of the academic articles in this course or those you may find in the Troy Global Campus Library. Academic articles do not include the textbook, these are journal articles that have been peer-reviewed that can be found on the library guide for this course or in the library. Be sure to include the Baldrige Framework as one of your eight references. Please note that you are not limited to the information provided in this course, as sources for information are also readily available on the Internet, and other libraries. There is also an extensive list of articles provided in the library guide for this course (see the syllabus for a link to the library readings). In case you are wondering why we use academic articles, it is because these are peer-reviewed and written by experts. Therefore, you need to use them when you are making proposals, because then you know they have been thoroughly researched, vetted, and are based on fact.

Case Analysis Instructions Term 1 2022 Develop your Case Analysis in these three phases:
• Develop the SWOT using the PESTLE list provided in the Project Information module. The PESTEL is to assist you in identifying external factors (opportunities and threats) that you will use in your SWOT. It is not necessary to include a separate PESTEL list.
• Complete your diagnostic analysis.
• Develop the paper using information from the SWOT, the diagnostic model, and Baldrige 1, 2 & 3 and the list of content items provided below; look at ‘before’ and ‘after’; focus on the changes/improvements at the CCAD. Consider the CCAD improvements in your analysis using both the SWOT and the diagnostic analysis.

Paper content:

Match the facts and events in the case to Baldrige Criteria 1, 2, & 3. Identify specifics for each to develop your paper, using the items provided in the actual Criteria. Use facts from the SWOT to support your analysis. Take the diagnostic model of your choice and apply 3 to 4 components as part of your analysis.

Follow the basic paper outline with sections and titles as listed below in sequence:

• Executive Summary – instructions are provided below in this document
• Title page – include your name on this page.
o (other required items include table of contents, section titles, APA formatting throughout, appendices; section titles and appendices should be listed in your table of contents)
• Background (any information taken from actual companies must have a citation and a reference; the URL or an annual report will suffice, formatted as required for references and citations in APA). Keep this part brief.
• Statement of the problem
• Diagnosis (identify the status of the organization before improvements were made)
o Diagnostic model (6 Box or 7 S, select only one); it is recommended that categories be used as subtitles
o Baldrige 1-3, list specific paragraph number for items used
o Summary of issues (paragraph) identified in SWOT, diagnostic model and Baldrige, which can be a gap analysis or generally used for comparison purposes
• Action taken by the organization as it relates to the summary items (SWOT/diagnostic model/Baldrige)
o Provide specific actions for each item identified
o What measures were used?
o What quality tools were used?
• Based on the case, name and describe two steps from Kotter that were applied.
• Results and summary – include your data.

The executive summary is a little different for many of you, we are not using abstracts, and we are using executive summaries because these are a direct application for the workplace. An executive summary summarizes your entire paper – introduction, the problem, how you analyzed (SWOT, Diagnostic model, Baldrige), what you ‘discovered’, what changes were made, and the results. Use the main bullet points (section titles) to guide your development of the executive summary. An executive summary is one to two pages long and is a standalone document, so the executive does not have to read the entire paper.

Keep in mind that these cases are written because substantial improvements have already been made which is the reason they have been published to demonstrate how continuous improvement really works. The case assignment carries both positive and negative information which you will use to address the required sections previously listed. Briefly explain these in your own words but there is no need to provide as much information as the case already provides. Do not repeat the case in your paper instead spend your time analyzing.

For example, once you have stated what the problem is and what the organization was doing to make improvements, compare this to the chosen diagnostic model and identify the components that are involved in the improvement plans and efforts. Now look at the Baldrige Criteria.
Identify which of the efforts in the organization match the categories one through three as they

seek to improve performance. Provide a brief paragraph to show the relationship between their efforts and the matching Baldrige Criteria item.

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate how you can take a business situation, apply diagnostics, and apply Baldrige to assess the what, the why, and the how of improving performance. This is helpful practice for your final project as well only the case analysis paper is shorter. The typical length of the paper (body) should be approximately five pages. This does not count references, the executive summary, the title page, or any appendices.

The purpose of an appendix is to provide supporting detail for your paper or proposal. Appendices are included in the table of contents, following the references, and are typically identified as Appendix A or 1, Appendix B or 2, etc. with a title for what it contains. Your diagnostic model would be a good idea to include as an appendix, just as the Baldrige model to demonstrate what you are using for assessment purposes. Appendices provide support documentation that for your paper, just as references and citations provide expert support for your writing. Remember that anything borrowed from another source and used in an appendix requires a full reference. Also, you will need to provide the key points from any appendix in the body of the paper, use the appendix for supporting details. Finally, note that near the beginning of the Baldrige Framework at the bottom of one of the pages you will find a recommended reference format for consideration. Best wishes going forward with writing your Case Analysis paper.

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