1 The model shall determine when and at what amounts chilled water should be discharged from the tank
2 The model should be described in such a way that it could be utilized by the plant automation system to dispatch the stored energy appropriately.
Project’s sponsor Algorithm/procedure
Project’s sponsor Algorithm/procedure
3 CHW Demand forecast shall include provisions for future campus CHW load growth Project’s sponsor Demand forecast model
4 The model should take into account the weather forecast and typical chilled water needs. Project’s sponsor Demand forecast model
5 Demand forecast must factor in building occupancies during workdays and holidays Literature Demand forecast model exact figure
needs an update
6 TES tank charging: The water temperature should be lowered in intervals not to exceed (12F) differential temperature within a two-hour duration.
7 Prior to draining the tank, check the exterior groundwater elevation. The tank foundation has not been designed for uplift pressures.
8 The TES tank must be drained through the lower diffuser piping (CW line) until there is minimal water left on the tank floor less than (2 ft).
9 The TES tank is not under pressure and some of the water will evaporate into the atmosphere; therefore, requiring makeup water added to the system
10 The water level in the tank should be maintained at a minimum of (6″) above the upper diffuser piping
DN Tanks O&M record Tank model
DN Tanks O&M record Tank model exact figure needs an update
DN Tanks O&M record Tank model exact figure needs an update
DN Tanks O&M record Tank model
DN Tanks O&M record Tank model
11 Net storage capacity must account for tank’s freeboard, heel and thermocline volumes ASHARE Handbook-HVAC applications Tank model
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