COMPANY: The Regent theater has been purchased by a group of investors that believe that the theater can reopen by offering classic movies “returning to the the big screen”. The previous owners closed the business due to lack of profitability as a result of decreasing location patronage. “Classic Entertainment Investors” (CIE) would like to reopen the theater for the next season, but will need a plan in place to ensure sufficient patronage to produce a profitable year.
The property was purchased for $1,000,000 and includes sufficient parking agreements with adjoining properties. The goal is to achieve profitability through increased patronage, and ultimately provide a return on investment. You are to assume that all renovations are complete and the theater is ready to open for business.
EMPLOYEES: General Manager, Operations Manager, employees (theater & concessions), and maintenance service.
General Manager oversees the daily operation throughout the year.
Operations Manager oversees the employees and daily operations during the “open” hours. Focus is primarily customer service, human resource management/scheduling and promoting a “good company image”.
Regular employees include concessions/food service, theater, and “event” staff.
Maintenance services are external companies that are paid “as needed” when services are rendered. (i.e. plumbing, electrical, etc.).
MISSION / VISION STATEMENT: No current mission or vision statement. Propose one.
Expenses: The annual expense for operation of the business is a total of $300,000. Income from patronage will need to cover this amount (annually) and provide a return to build a capital fund and eventually a return on investment for CIE. You will need to create a competitive and profitable pricing structure.
Product: Currently, movie attendance varies by season and is affected by other entertainment options for the customer. The idea is to maintain a friendly, nostalgic atmosphere with the opportunity to see your favorite classic movies on the “big screen”.
Promotion: Current: none. We see promotion matching the competition being a consideration, but need to build the “unique experience” image of a nostalgic/classic movie experience.
DISTRIBUTION: Your location is fixed. You will need to address this in relationship to the other “P’s” as a means to bring your customer to you.
Competition: Other entertainment (theaters, movie rentals, etc.), other social activities, other “family” activities. (Where else can you spend your “disposable income” on entertainment.)
We have determined a budget of $5000 – $7500 would seem adequate for this year. This may be used in promotion efforts or other.
CAUTION: While the facilities/theater are dated and will need to be upgraded, major renovations/remodeling will be addressed within the corporate plan and should only be included/mentioned as part of the marketing plan as it relates to the objectives. You are to assume that the “renovation is done with the theater ready to open the doors for business” and your job is to get customers in the door.
Our main issue and goal over the next two-three years is to be able to provide classic entertainment while achieving a profitable level.
Utilize information available about the history of the Regent, and other theater websites to provide additional information in development of the Marketing plan for CIE.
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