Early Childhood Education Center

As a director you may encounter a variety of constraints in selecting members to serve on a team. For this Discussion, assume the role of a director who is asked to assemble a team to work in a new early childhood education center and consider the following questions:
What factors should you consider when attempting to build a successful team?
What are the characteristics and behaviors you associate with productive members of a team?
On what teams have you worked? How would you contrast the characteristics of team members with whom you enjoyed working with those whom you struggled to get along and work effectively?
How will you monitor the health of the teams you manage? What specific things would you do to manage situations where the team is not functioning?
By Day 3

Post a response to the following:

Describe three team-member characteristics/behaviors that you feel are most important for establishing and building a collaborative team environment. Explain why you selected these characteristics and provide an example of each, based on your experience or your readings this week. As a director of an early childhood program, what would you do to create an environment in which team members trusted you and each other?

Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and any additional sources.
Required Readings
Freeman, N. K., Decker, C. A., & Decker, J. R. (2017). Planning and administering early childhood programs (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Chapter 5, “Recruiting, Hiring, Leading, and Managing Personnel”
For this week you will focus on reading pages 106 -117, which outline staffing and recruiting procedures. You also will read pages 139-137, which describe how to maintain personnel records.

Flanagan, T., & Runde, C. (2010). Conflict-competent teams. Sales & Service Excellence, 10(9), 7.

This brief piece describes how conflict can be a positive feature of teams if it is managed correctly. Suggestions include creating the right climate, engaging constructively, and setting norms for handling conflict that allow the conflict management process to stay on course.
Gratton, L., & Erickson, T. J. (2007). Eight ways to build collaborative teams. Harvard Business Review, 85(11), 100– 109.

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