Social Media Promotions

Question 1

Include in a PowerPoint presentation the following information (4-6 slides):

  • Starting from the article about McDonald’s (link attached below) and thinking in general about fast-food, please formulate 2-3 hypotheses regarding the relationship between taste, variety in offerings, healthy options, consumers’ healthy orientation, price, social media promotions, celebrity endorsements, income or other variables, and fast-food sales. Also think about potential international factors that might affect fast-food sales.
  • Identify the dependent and independent variables in each hypothesis. Justify your choice of hypotheses by explaining what you are testing for.
  • From this, formulate a short survey to help you test the hypotheses.
  • Identify and describe the types of statistical tests you would use to test the hypotheses and create meaningful research results. Explain why you chose each test.
  • Address any ethical concerns that might need to be considered for this research project.

Your assignment should be 4-6 slides long, not including the required title and reference slides. Include your “voice over” in the notes section of the slides. This voice over—or text of your presentation—will enable your professor to read what you would say if you were actually making the presentation. The slides, therefore, can and should be very visual.

Question 2

Coverage by of the news is not carried out by any monolithic organization that gets to decide what is, and is not, the correct way to report the news. Today perhaps more than ever, the editorial or opinion piece of the news is more apparent and widespread than it had been in the decades before cable news, 24-hour-news cycles, and the rise of the Internet as a news source. This does not necessarily mean that the news has become any less impartial, simply that news organizations are more conscious of markets and demographics, the people they are trying to attract, than ever before.

For your assignment this week, find two articles that address the same issue produced by two different news sources (this cannot be the same AP story published by different sources). In 1-2 pages, provide a summary of what message each writer is trying to get across, and provide a brief compare and contrast analysis of the two pieces. Explain which piece you feel is more effective and why. Be sure to include links for each article in your assignment.

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