Modern Court Case

Question 1

You are part of a fact finding panel for your state court system. The court has a concern over the methods used to handle persons that are mentally ill violent offenders. You are charged with selecting a modern court case (past 30 years) in which an insanity issue arose regarding a violent offender. The case may involve a Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity Plea, or it may involve a directive by the court for a sanity hearing. You may also select a case with a court consideration of idiot status was determined.

You must prepare a briefing report on the methods that were used to assess the defendant by the court in the case you selected. Discuss the outcome of the case and the mechanism that resulted in the defendant’s evaluation for sanity.

In a 3–5 page position paper, respond to the following:

  • Articulate the mental disorder(s) and symptoms being considered by the court in the case that you selected.
  • Explain the relationship between the actions and behavior that would cause the court to remand the defendant for a mental evaluation.
  • Evaluate the outcome of the case you selected in terms of the defendant, the victim, and the community.
  • Critique the court’s decision in the case you selected. Either:
    • Support the court’s correct decision, or
    • Challenge the court’s decision with your supported reasons.

Question 2

Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you discuss ethics in the court system.

Include answers to the following in your presentation:

  • Who is the governing authority for licensing and monitoring attorneys in your area?
  • What are some of the common ethical issues or pitfalls related to court procedures?
  • What are common sanctions for violating ethical practices for attorneys or judges?
  • Should defense attorneys be given greater latitude than prosecutors in ethical expectations?
  • Examples of ethical violations for which an attorney could be disbarred?
  • Whose role is more critical to the courts?
  • Whose role has a higher level of ethical expectations?
  • What was one of the points made during your collaborative group discussion this week?

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Include speaker notes.

Include a minimum of 2 resources.

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