Causation Theories

Question 1

You are a juvenile justice consultant creating a proposal that will be presented to the state legislature concerning the future of the juvenile justice system.

Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, including speaker notes, detailing your proposal. Address recommendations for all aspects of the system, including:

  • Community involvement
  • Law enforcement
  • Courts and sentencing
  • Corrections

Include a justification for the system based on history, trends, causation theories, and potential for reform.

Contact your instructor for approval if you wish to use a different presentation delivery method, such as Prezi.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Question 2

In this assignment you need to identify a past or current United States Supreme Court justice (do not select Justice Roberts, Alito, or Sotomayor or Kagan) and research and discuss his/her life and career and their impact on criminal procedure/ criminal justice. You will need outside research on this paper.


  1. Introduction – identify the justice you selected and why you selected them and discuss your research methods;
  2. Life history of the justice, including educational background, experience prior to becoming a judge, etc
  3. Discussion of his/her tenure on the court, including a discussion of at least five majority opinions that he or she authored,
  4. A discussion/analysis of the judicial philosophy of the justice (eg liberal or conservative, activist or restraint, etc).
  5. A discussion/analysis of the impact of the justice on criminal procedure.
  6. A conclusion.

A suggested length is 18-28 paragraphs. This paper should be double-spaced in a 10- to 12-point font.

Style: This paper should display a high level of professionalism. I will consider your writing and research quality. Do not simply copy and paste from research that you locate.

References: You should attribute your research (author or title similar to Assignments 1-2) throughout the paper and in a reference page (including author, title and publication). At least 8 outside research sources are expected. An outside research source is something besides our textbook or a textbook used in another course. Do not cite Wikipedia or textbooks from other college classes as sources.

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