Brain Changes

  • Describe the three ways that teens’ increased reward drive is manifested.
    • How might these be expressed in unhealthy ways that might present in therapy?
    • Discuss systemic intervention options that could potentially address these behaviors or concerns in ways that are consistent with Siegel’s discussion of brain changes and maturation.
  • Describe the similarities and differences of attachment functions and behaviors in adolescence compared to earlier life phases.
    • How does your growing knowledge of attachment as a lifelong need change how you view the therapeutic goals for adolescents?

Choose either scenario A or B and complete the following:

Scenario A

  • How would you respond to a parent who asks for advice about how to help her adolescent daughter stop being so emotional? Support your response with systemic and developmental justifications.

Scenario B

  • How would you respond to a 16-year-old male who tells you in an individual session that he and his girlfriend are planning to become sexually active?
    • Would you tell his parents? Why or why not?
    • How would your own experiences and values influence your interaction with this client?
    • What are the ethical limitations that must be considered when determining how much of your own value system is shared with the client and/or his parents?

Submit your assignment as a 6 page Microsoft Word document.

grading scale

The paper includes a response to a parent who asks for advice about how to help her adolescent daughter stop being so emotional that is supported with systemic and developmental justifications. 1.0pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe paper describes the three ways that teens’ increased reward drive is manifested and how they might be expressed in unhealthy ways that might present in therapy and discusses systemic intervention options that could potentially address these behaviors or concerns in ways that are consistent with Siegel’s discussion of brain changes and maturation. 1.0pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe paper describes the similarities and differences of attachment functions and behaviors in adolescence compared to earlier life phases and explains how growing personal knowledge of attachment as a lifelong need changes views the therapeutic goals for adolescents. 1.0pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe paper includes a response to a 16-year-old male who indicates he and his girlfriend are planning to become sexually active, including an explanation of whether to tell his parents, an evaluation of personal experiences and values and their influence on interaction with this client, and a consideration of the relevant ethical limitations. 1.0pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe paper is 3–5 pages in length, is formatted based on APA guidelines, and includes in-text citations and a reference page. 1.0pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe paper meets basic writing standards, including grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, and organization. 1.0 pts

i missed a few assignments i need a a high A on this paper please,

this weeks reading which may help with the paper.

Vernacchio, A. (Sep 26, 2014).

Trenholm, C., Devaney, B., Fortson, K., Clark, M, Quay, L., & Wheeler, J. (2008). Impacts of abstinence education on teen sexual activity, risk of pregnancy, and risk of sexually transmitted diseases

The Healthy Sex Talk: Teaching Kids Consent, Ages 1-21.

“Dan Siegel – Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain (Family Action Network)” .

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