
You are required to choose ONE campaign from the following list of campaigns:

1. Campaign for nuclear disarmament

2. Changing attitudes towards disability in the media

Once the campaign of interest has been chosen, youare required to critically analyse and appraise the campaign objectives, planning, design and outcomes and write up their findings in a Report of 2000-2500words.

Your analysis needs to include an appraisal and criticalanalysis of the following elements of the campaign:

1. Identifying the problems/issues the campaign aims toaddress.
2. Defining the campaign goals/objectives.
3. How did the campaign establish credibility as an activist?
4. Campaign strategy.
5. Power-holders.
6. Campaign outcomes.

Referencing guidelines:

You are required to reference at least 3 types of resources in the assessment:

1. Minimum of 6 journal articles (students are required to use scholarly and peer-reviewedarticles) and textbooks.
2. Newspaper/Magazine articles
3. Company/NGO Websites

A total of 10-15 references are expected for the Report.

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