Each student will develop one specific health promotion program which could be implemented into a generic worksite or other appropriate setting – I suggest you develop an intervention for a setting and target audience that would meet your professional goals. Your program will be divided into individual units referred to as modules. A good rule of thumb is for each module to last one week and for your program to last 4-6 weeks (However, you may vary from this model as long as your time frame and organization is practical). Select a hypothetical time frame with planning and target dates based on a 2018 calendar. All materials should be neatly diagrammed and processed. Your intervention project will be submitted electronically as one power point document – it will be quite lengthy but it works well – be sure to include a cover slide with title, logo, and your name(s) as well as individual slides to designate each section of the project. Keep each component of the project in the order presented below. You are welcome to complete this project with a partner (maximum two people per project – no exceptions) and if you choose to do so, your partner must be identified in the initial submission of the planning stage. You will need to view the videos and other materials that provide additional detail for the three sections – planning, implementation, and evaluation. There are several hyperlinks found in the description below that will be helpful in developing each section of your intervention. The following order and outline should be used to develop your program:
I. Planning
A. Program title and logo (on your cover and all materials).
Be creative in developing an appropriate name for your comprehensive program and an eye- catching logo which will be used to identify all of your program materials.
B. Program mission statement.
The mission statement should represent your company’s comprehensive wellness program. (See Project Weblinks for mission, goal, and objectives help.)
C. Intervention goal and objectives.
Your goal – one general long-range desired outcome – should represent the specific intervention program that you are developing for this class assignment. Write at least five objectives – specific step-by-step targets leading to the goal.
D Gantt Chart and Milestone Calendar
These will detail the planning steps for your intervention program. The Gantt Chart should include specific planning and delivery tasks, target dates, and persons responsible (you can make up names – we will assume you have a team working together for the intervention). Use a 2018 calendar to indicate the major milestones of your plan. Feel free to use internet resources to develop these.
II. Implementation
A. Create the following for the overall wellness intervention:
1. Publicity/promotional events and materials.
This is your general marketing campaign for the program – how you will communicate critical information about your program to everyone. It should include a brief bullet style description of any special events that you will hold (excluding a kickoff and closure event). Also include at least two publicity flyers that you develop for the program. Describe each communication method that you would use to let potential participants know about your program.
2. Recruitment/motivation materials.
Once you have publicized and promoted the program to everyone in your target audience, describe how you will then target clients on a more individual basis. Include a sample of any printed materials that you might use (you must include at least one). Describe the incentives
and motivational techniques that you will use to enroll and retain participants.
3. Kickoff event and closure
Describe two special events – in detail using paragraph and bullet form– one to open your program and one to close it. Include: when and where the events will take place, an agenda for each, list of participants and their roles, critical information that you will deliver at each.
B. Develop four to six individual modules for the program and create the following for each of the modules:
1. Educational materials.
This is the heart of your program, and by the way, the part of the project with the most points. Once you have decided ‘what clients need to know’ about your intervention program, develop a thorough educational unit for each module in your program.
Educational content – detailed notes about each module. Develop a power point for each module. Include detail, but remember that you are likely to deliver this in a very limited time frame, so keep it concise and to the point. There is a fine line between too much and too little content for a presentation – err on the side of too much – I would think that each module would contain a minimum of eight slides.
Include at least one motivating or thought provoking question in each presentation.
Teaching materials – handouts, posters, demonstration models, manipulatives, games or other materials that you might use in your delivery. Be imaginative.
Include an interactive type of activity for at least two of your modules.
List your resources and any auxiliary personnel that you would use to develop or deliver each module. Provide this information as the last slide of each module.
2. Screenings and assessments.
Identify any tools that you may use to conduct screenings or assessments for each module. They may be paper pencil, on-line, clinical, or some other format. If they require a greater expertise than you possess, identify who will assist you (blood draw for cholesterol, for example). While each module may not have a screening or assessment, I would think that you could identify at least two assessments that would be appropriate for your program – even if you develop them yourself.
III. Evaluation
In 1-2 pages, describe how you will complete each level of evaluation. Separate each by headings and include an actual evaluation form for the process evaluation. Describe what information you would need to gather for impact evaluation and provide a form that you would use to evaluate knowledge. Describe information and data that you would need to collect in order to complete outcome evaluation. How long do you think proper outcome evaluation would take?
A. Process evaluation – How efficiently was the program implemented?
B. Impact evaluation – Did the program change knowledge, attitude, behaviors?
C. Outcome evaluation – Did we improve health status and show cost/benefit outcomes?
IV. Include a summary report as the final page of your project. It should:
• Tell why you chose the topic.
• Tell what you learned about the topic in this process.
• Tell what you learned about program development in this process.
• Explain any obstacles you encountered or believe you would encounter when implementing your program along with at least one possible idea or solution for overcoming that obstacle.
• Blood-borne pathogens
• Chemical exposures
• Drug-free workplace training for employees
• Drug-free workplace training for supervisors
• Ergonomics
• First aid and CPR
• Hazard communication / right to know
• Noise
• Personal protective equipment (respirators, respirator fit-testing)
• Executive Health physicals
• Biometric screenings
• Health coaching
• Onsite clinics
• Onsite vaccinations
• Lunch ‘n Learn programs
• Relocation and concierge services
• Mental health and chemical dependency treatment
• Fire Prevention
• Heat-Related Illness
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