Review the NETQUETTE RULES included in your course syllabus for this class.
Begin your discussion by expressing your overall assessment of the rules listed.
Identify any of the rules with which you disagree.
Identify any rules or areas that you believe are not included that perhaps should be in the list of rules.
Express what you believe is the biggest challenge for electronic communications. Support your ideas and position.
1) You will need to post first before you will see fellow students posts (Your post should be minimum of 300 words and succinct). and your post should include:
Discuss your opinions on the topic
Support your opinions and statements with logical arguments
netiquette rules:
Interactions in an online classroom are in written form. Your comfort level with expressing ideas and feelings in writing will add to your success in an online course. The ability to write is necessary, but you also need to understand what is considered appropriate when communicating online. The word “netiquette” is short for “Internet etiquette.” Rules of netiquette have grown organically with the growth of the Internet to help users act responsibly when they access or transmit information online. As a student, business person or potential entrepreneur you should be aware of the common rules of netiquette for the Web and employ a communication style that follows these guidelines. Of course you can find a great deal of information on this topic on-line.
Rules of Thumb
Be considerate. Rude or threatening language, inflammatory assertions (often referred to as “flaming”), personal attacks, and other inappropriate communication will not be tolerated.
Never post a message that is in all capital letters — it comes across to the reader as SHOUTING!
Use boldface and italics sparingly, as they can denote sarcasm.
Keep messages short and to the point.
Always practice proper spelling, good grammar, punctuation, and composition in all course emails and reflection of your student and work ethic.
Do not write in “text code” when emailing your professor. Proper business form emails are expected.
Keep in mind that threaded discussions are meant to be constructive exchanges.
Remember that your emails are all saved throughout the duration of the course and archived with SPC.
Be respectful and treat everyone as you would want to be treated yourself.
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