building multiracial society

You have just been hired as a panelist for a news program. You have been chosen as the counterpoint to another panelist named Mr. A. Mr. A feels he is very open-minded and thinks the key for building multiracial society is to stop talking about race, stop race-based policies like affirmative action that draw more attention to race (& take jobs/slots away from others), and stop having race-based organizations like black fraternities and clubs. Although he professes to be colorblind and not care about race, curiously he emphasizes having black friends, while having an all-white extended family without any signs of interracial dating or marriage. When it is your turn to speak,provide counterpoints for at least 3 of Mr. A’s positions that (a) identify the misinformation on which each is based, and (b) offer alternative interpretations for the positions he advocates.

2. Identify at least 3 ways the media perpetuates stereotypes, and identify an example/specific stereotype for each (at least one such example should focus on a non-black minority group). Also discuss the ways in which such stereotypes can be counteracted. What does social science evidence say about methods that work in countering racism Both in media and beyond)?

3. As Latino and Asian Americans are the 2 fastest growing minority groups, once their totals are added in with African Americans, non-Hispanic whites are expected to become an increasingly smaller proportion of the United States. Some predict this shift will make us a more multiracially balanced democracy, while others predict that a segment of this growth spurt will “become white” as other ethnic groups have in the past, maintaining white dominance in the U.S. Which prediction do you think is more likely to happen? Support your position with at least 3 points of evidence form this Sociology course(Building a Multiracial Society)textbook Getting Real About Racecourse. then, discuss the evidence that the “other side” would use to counteract you, and explain why despite this evidence you stand by your prediction.

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