Data Collection

Data Collection, Analysis, Evaluation, Dissemination of Results, and Conclusion
This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to complete their MSN EBP proposal. This assignment includes the final sections of the proposal which are data collection, analysis, evaluation, dissemination of results, and conclusion.

Description of the Assignment
For this assignment, the student will complete MSN EBP project proposal by including the final sections of data collection, analysis, evaluation, dissemination of results, and conclusion.

Criteria for Content
1. The entire proposal paper (excluding the title page and reference pages) should be maximum of 45 pages (this page count includes the Week 2 and Week 5 assignments). Points will be lost for exceeding this length requirement.
2. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference pages must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.
3. The paper should be presented in the following ordered sections:
• Title Page
• Overview of evidenced-based practice project
• Identification of nursing concern to be improved
• PICOT/PICo question and literature search
• Theoretical framework
• Research literature support
• Research approach and design
• Sampling
• Proposed implementation with a change model
• Data collection
• Analysis
• Evaluation
• Dissemination of Results
• Conclusion
• References

4. Data Collection: In this section, students provide a comprehensive and detailed description regarding how data are to be collected. The required content includes:
A. For quantitative design the required content includes:
• Provide a detailed explanation on how data collection will occur
• Identify the data collection points
• Explain the length of time for data collection
• Explain all source(s) of data (i.e. self-report, questionnaires, structured observation, biophysiologic)
• Describe 2 (two) methods that will be useful in enhancing data quality
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
B. For qualitative design the required content includes:
• Describe the type of data to be collected (i.e. observation, interview, artifacts)
• Provide a detailed explanation on how data collection will occur
• Explain the data collection points
• Explain the length of time for data collection
• Explain the proposed method to achieve data saturation
• Describe 2 (two) methods that would be used to enhance data quality
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
4. Analysis: In this section, students provide a detailed explanation on how data will be analyzed.
A. For quantitative data the required content includes:
• Discuss descriptive statistics and their use to explain the characteristics of the sample of this EBP proposal
• Describe one type of inferential statistics and their use in this EBP proposal
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
B. For qualitative data the required content includes:
• Explain how data analysis is organized
• Discuss the use of themes and coding for this EBP proposal
• Explain triangulation and its relevance to this qualitative design
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
5. Evaluation: In this section, students will present information regarding methods useful to objectively determine if outcomes from implementing this proposed EBP proposal would be positive for stakeholders as well as the nursing practice area reflected in their specialty track. The required content includes:
• Describe how each of the stakeholders identified earlier in this EBP proposal will experience improved outcome(s) from implementing this project
• Describe 2 (two) changes or improvements to nursing practice that may result in the your specialty track area at the micro level if this EBP project was to be implemented
6. Dissemination of Results: In this section, students will identify specific methods that may be used to share the results from successful implementation of this EBP proposal. The required content includes:
• Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with stakeholders
• Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with members of your future practice area at the facility, community, state, and national levels
7. Conclusion: In this section, the student will identify a summary of their EBP project as well as consider the potential contribution to their specialty track practice setting. The required content includes:
• Provide a comprehensive summary of key points from this EBP proposal project
• Provide a summary of the potential contributions of this EBP proposal project to your specialty track practice and identified practice setting
Criteria for Format and Special Instructions
1. The final proposal paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should not exceed 45 (forty-five) pages. Points will be lost for not meeting this length requirement.

2. Headings are required and listed in above. All headings should be formatted following APA requirements

3. Title page, body of paper, reference page(s), and appendix must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual.

4. Provide all of your references; formatted in APA style, as reference page(s).

Assignment Criteria Points % Description
Data Collection
35 23 The required content for this section includes:
A. For quantitative design the required content includes:
• Provide a detailed explanation on how data collection will occur
• Identify the data collection points
• Explain the length of time for data collection
• Explain the all source(s) of data (i.e. self-report, questionnaires, structured observation, biophysiologic)
• Describe 2 (two) methods that will be used to enhance data quality
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
B. For qualitative design the required content includes:
• Describe the type of data to be collected (i.e. observation, interview, artifacts)
• Provide a detailed explanation on how data collection will occur
• Explain the data collection points
• Explain the length of time for data collection
• Explain the proposed method to achieve data saturation
• Describe 2 (two) methods that would be used to enhance data quality
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method

25 17 The required content for this section includes:
• For quantitative data the required content includes:
• Discuss descriptive statistics and their use to explain the characteristics of the sample of this EBP proposal
• Describe one type of inferential statistics and its use in this EBP proposal
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
• For qualitative data the required content includes:
• Explain how data analysis is organized
• Discuss the use of themes and coding for this EBP proposal
• Explain triangulation and its relevance to this qualitative design
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method

20 13 The required content for this section includes:
• Describe how each of the stakeholders identified earlier in this EBP proposal will experience improved outcome(s) from implementing this project
• Describe 2 (two) changes or improvements to nursing practice that may result in the your specialty track area at the micro level if this EBP project was to be implemented

Dissemination of Results 20 13 The required content for this section includes:

• Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with stakeholders
• Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with members of your future practice area at the facility, community, state, and national levels
Conclusion 10 7 The required content for this section includes:
• Provide a comprehensive summary of key points from this EBP proposal project
• Provide a summary of the potential contributions of this EBP proposal project to your specialty track practice and identified practice setting

Paper Specifications 10 7 • Paper meets length requirements of not exceeding 45 pages excluding title and reference pages
• Headings are required and listed in above. All headings should be formatted following APA requirements
• A dictionary (except for Definition section), required textbooks for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment.
• References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.
APA Format (6th edition) 10 7 • Title page, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual.
• One deduction for each type of APA style error
Citations in Text 10 7 • Ideas and information that come from readings must be cited and referenced correctly.
Writing Mechanics 10 7 • Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual.
Total 150 100 %


Assignment Criteria Exceptional
Outstanding or highest level of performance Exceeds
Very good or high level of performance Meets
Competent or satisfactory level of performance Needs Improvement
Poor or failing level of performance Developing
Unsatisfactory level of performance
Possible Points = 115 Points

Data Collection 35 Points 31 Points 28 Points 13 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:
For quantitative design the required content includes:
• Provide a detailed explanation on how data collection will occur
• Identify the data collection points
• Explain the length of time for data collection
• Explain the all source(s) of data (i.e. self-report, questionnaires, structured observation, biophysiologic)
• Describe 2 (two) methods that will be used to enhance data quality
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
For qualitative design the required content includes:
• Describe the type of data to be collected (i.e. observation, interview, artifacts)
• Provide a detailed explanation on how data collection will occur
• Explain the data collection points
• Explain the length of time for data collection
• Explain the proposed method to achieve data saturation
• Describe 2 (two) methods that would be useful in enhancing data quality
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:
For quantitative design the required content includes:
• Provide a detailed explanation on how data collection will occur
• Identify the data collection points
• Explain the length of time for data collection
• Explain the all source(s) of data (i.e. self-report, questionnaires, structured observation, biophysiologic)
• Describe 2 (two) methods that will be used to enhance data quality
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
For qualitative design the required content includes:
• Describe the type of data to be collected (i.e. observation, interview, artifacts)
• Provide a detailed explanation on how data collection will occur
• Explain the data collection points
• Explain the length of time for data collection
• Explain the proposed method to achieve data saturation
• Describe 2 (two) methods that would be useful in enhancing data quality
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method

Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements
For quantitative design the required content includes:
• Provide a detailed explanation on how data collection will occur
• Identify the data collection points
• Explain the length of time for data collection
• Explain the all source(s) of data (i.e. self-report, questionnaires, structured observation, biophysiologic)
• Describe 2 (two) methods that will be used to enhance data quality
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
For qualitative design the required content includes:
• Describe the type of data to be collected (i.e. observation, interview, artifacts)
• Provide a detailed explanation on how data collection will occur
• Explain the data collection points
• Explain the length of time for data collection
• Explain the proposed method to achieve data saturation
• Describe 2 (two) methods that would be useful in enhancing data quality
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method

Presentation of
information in one or two of the following elements fails to meet expectations:
For quantitative design the required content includes:
• Provide a detailed explanation on how data collection will occur
• Identify the data collection points
• Explain the length of time for data collection
• Explain the all source(s) of data (i.e. self-report, questionnaires, structured observation, biophysiologic)
• Describe 2 (two) methods that will be used to enhance data quality
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
For qualitative design the required content includes:
• Describe the type of data to be collected (i.e. observation, interview, artifacts)
• Provide a detailed explanation on how data collection will occur
• Explain the data collection points
• Explain the length of time for data collection
• Explain the proposed method to achieve data saturation
• Describe 2 (two) methods that would be useful in enhancing data quality
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements:
For quantitative design the required content includes:
• Provide a detailed explanation on how data collection will occur
• Identify the data collection points
• Explain the length of time for data collection
• Explain the all source(s) of data (i.e. self-report, questionnaires, structured observation, biophysiologic)
• Describe 2 (two) methods that will be used to enhance data quality
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
For qualitative design the required content includes:
• Describe the type of data to be collected (i.e. observation, interview, artifacts)
• Provide a detailed explanation on how data collection will occur
• Explain the data collection points
• Explain the length of time for data collection
• Explain the proposed method to achieve data saturation
• Describe 2 (two) methods that would be useful in enhancing data quality
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method

25 Points 22 Points 20 Points 10 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:
For quantitative data the required content includes:
• Discuss descriptive statistics and their use to explain the characteristics of the sample of this EBP proposal
• Describe one type of inferential statistics and its use in this EBP proposal
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
For qualitative data the required content includes:
• Explain how data analysis is organized
• Discuss the use of themes and coding for this EBP proposal
• Explain triangulation and its relevance to this qualitative design
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:
For quantitative data the required content includes:
• Discuss descriptive statistics and their use to explain the characteristics of the sample of this EBP proposal
• Describe one type of inferential statistics and its use in this EBP proposal
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
For qualitative data the required content includes:
• Explain how data analysis is organized
• Discuss the use of themes and coding for this EBP proposal
• Explain triangulation and its relevance to this qualitative design
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:
For quantitative data the required content includes:
• Discuss descriptive statistics and their use to explain the characteristics of the sample of this EBP proposal
• Describe one type of inferential statistics and its use in this EBP proposal
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
For qualitative data the required content includes:
• Explain how data analysis is organized
• Discuss the use of themes and coding for this EBP proposal
• Explain triangulation and its relevance to this qualitative design
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
Presentation of
information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations:
For quantitative data the required content includes:
• Discuss descriptive statistics and their use to explain the characteristics of the sample of this EBP proposal
• Describe one type of inferential statistics and its use in this EBP proposal
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
For qualitative data the required content includes:
• Explain how data analysis is organized
• Discuss the use of themes and coding for this EBP proposal
• Explain triangulation and its relevance to this qualitative design
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two or more of the following elements:
For quantitative data the required content includes:
• Discuss descriptive statistics and their use to explain the characteristics of the sample of this EBP proposal
• Describe one type of inferential statistics and its use in this EBP proposal
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method
For qualitative data the required content includes:
• Explain how data analysis is organized
• Discuss the use of themes and coding for this EBP proposal
• Explain triangulation and its relevance to this qualitative design
• Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method

20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 8 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:
• Describe how each of the stakeholders identified earlier in this EBP proposal will experience improved outcome(s) from implementing this project
• Describe 2 (two) changes or improvements to nursing practice that may result in the your specialty track area at the micro level if this EBP project was to be implemented Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:
• Describe how each of the stakeholders identified earlier in this EBP proposal will experience improved outcome(s) from implementing this project
• Describe 2 (two) changes or improvements to nursing practice that may result in the your specialty track area at the micro level if this EBP project was to be implemented
Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:
• Describe how each of the stakeholders identified earlier in this EBP proposal will experience improved outcome(s) from implementing this project
• Describe 2 (two) changes or improvements to nursing practice that may result in the your specialty track area at the micro level if this EBP project was to be implemented

Presentation of
information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations:

• Describe how each of the stakeholders identified earlier in this EBP proposal will experience improved outcome(s) from implementing this project
• Describe 2 (two) changes or improvements to nursing practice that may result in the your specialty track area at the micro level if this EBP project was to be implemented

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two of the following elements:
• Describe how each of the stakeholders identified earlier in this EBP proposal will experience improved outcome(s) from implementing this project
• Describe 2 (two) changes or improvements to nursing practice that may result in the your specialty track area at the micro level if this EBP project was to be implemented

Dissemination of Results 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 8 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:
• Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with stakeholders
• Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with members of your future practice area at the facility, community, state, and national levels Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:
• Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with stakeholders
• Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with members of your future practice area at the facility, community, state, and national levels

Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:
• Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with stakeholders
• Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with members of your future practice area at the facility, community, state, and national levels

Presentation of
information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations:

• Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with stakeholders
• Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with members of your future practice area at the facility, community, state, and national levels

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two of the following elements:
• Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with stakeholders
• Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with members of your future practice area at the facility, community, state, and national levels

Conclusion 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:
• Provide a comprehensive summary of key points from this EBP proposal project
• Provide a summary of the potential contributions of this EBP proposal project to your specialty track practice and identified practice setting Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:
• Provide a comprehensive summary of key points from this EBP proposal project
• Provide a summary of the potential contributions of this EBP proposal project to your specialty track practice and identified practice setting
Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:
• Provide a comprehensive summary of key points from this EBP proposal project
• Provide a summary of the potential contributions of this EBP proposal project to your specialty track practice and identified practice setting Presentation of
information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations:
• Provide a comprehensive summary of key points from this EBP proposal project
• Provide a summary of the potential contributions of this EBP proposal project to your specialty track practice and identified practice setting
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two of the following elements:
• Provide a comprehensive summary of key points from this EBP proposal project
• Provide a summary of the potential contributions of this EBP proposal project to your specialty track practice and identified practice setting

Paper Specifications 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points
This section included all of the following:
• Paper meets length requirements of not exceeding 45pages excluding title and reference pages
• Headings are required and listed above. All headings should be formatted following APA requirements
A dictionary (except for Definition section), required textbooks for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment.
• References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them. This section included three of the following:
• Paper meets length requirements of not exceeding 45 pages excluding title and reference pages
• Headings are required and listed above. All headings should be formatted following APA requirements
• .
• A dictionary (except for Definition section), required textbooks for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment.
• References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.
This section included only two of the following:
• Paper meets length requirements of not exceeding 45 pages excluding title and reference pages
• Headings are required and listed above. All headings should be formatted following APA requirements
• A dictionary (except for Definition section), required textbooks for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment.
• References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.
This section included only one of the following:
• Paper meets length requirements of not exceeding 45 pages excluding title and reference pages
• Headings are required and listed above. All headings should be formatted following APA requirements
• A dictionary (except for Definition section), required textbooks for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment.
• References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.
This section included none of the following:
• Paper meets length requirements of not exceeding 45pages excluding title and reference pages
• Headings are required and listed above. All headings should be formatted following APA requirements
• Headings are present and consistent with APA format.
• A dictionary (except for Definition section), required textbooks for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment.
• References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.

Possible Points = 35 Points

APA Style 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points
APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the
• title page,
• running head,
• body of paper (including, margins, headings, font, etc.), and
reference page
• One deduction for each type of APA format error
0 to 1 APA error was present APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the
• title page,
• running head,
• body of paper (including margins, headings, font, etc.), and
reference page
• One deduction for each type of APA format error

2 – 3 APA errors were present APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the
• title page,
• running head,
• body of paper (including margins, headings, font, etc.), and
reference page
• One deduction for each type of APA format error
4 – 5 APA were are present APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the
• title page,
• running head,
• body of paper (including margins, headings, font, etc.), and
reference page
• One deduction for each type of APA format error
6 – 7 APA were are present APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the
• title page,
• running head,
• body of paper (including margins, headings, font, etc.), and
reference page
• One deduction for each type of APA format error
8 or greater APA errors were present

Citations 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points
There were 0-1 errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge
There were 2-3 errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge
There were 4-5 errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge

There were 6-7 errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge There were 8 or greater errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge

Writing Quality 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points
1–2 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual 3 – 4 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual
5 – 6 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual
7 – 8 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual
9 or greater errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual

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