Case Analysis

You may select from one of the below films and develop an in-depth theoretical analysis using a systemic perspective and concepts covered in class.

Love Etc.

Monica and David

The Notebook

Love and Basketball

The Vow

Big Fat Greek Weeding

For this assignment, a relational documentary will be posted and you will choose one of the couples in the film to focus on throughout your paper.

In the case analysis, you will explain the essential features of the couple’s life using family systems theory. You will need to conceptualize the couple using the following concepts: wholeness, interdependence, boundaries, roles and hierarchy. In writing the analysis, provide enough background on your theory to insure that readers understand the theoretical foundation of your case study.

It is necessary to describe the theory in detail and connect it to the couple’s life; . Your report should include a basic description of the couple’s life circumstances. Then, you must explore your chosen couple’s relationship status (cohabitating, married, divorced, etc.), communication style, stressors and strengths. It is necessary to describe these concepts, in detail, based on your text, and connect it to the couple’s life. ALL of the above concepts must be addressed; .

The analysis should include the following six subtitles: Background, Theoretical Foundation, Relationship Status, Communication Style, Stressors and Strengths.

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