Admission Letter

I have written a paper and i would like if you can check the grammar and the style, thank you

here it is
Misk/IBM internship program is one of the first programs that will allow Saudis to be trained at one of the largest and oldest companies in the technology industry. What makes this program a good opportunity is that I believe that with the proper training in such a program, we can make Saudi Arabia manufacturing such technologies and not just a consumer for it. In Saudi we have the manpower, ability, and the efficacy that can allow us to be one of the top countries around the world in the industry. So, such programs can accelerate our plan and allow us to get the knowledge we need to be manufacturer.

In Mrs. Deemah AlYahya, chief Misk innovation, recent article, she said that “When I asked people if they consider them self to be creative, 97% of them answer No!” Then she added “the main reason for that No, is that most people don’t have basic technical components to be creative”. I believe this program and other programs will help us to bring the needed knowledge to allow people to start in this technical field, and so for to be creative. Another thing, I would like to mention is that the MISK/IBM program is not an option it is a need. Especially with the National Digitization plan and the 2030 vision.

What interest me in the internship program is that it will allow to use my knowledge in both electrical and computers to achieve the intended goals. I consider myself to be a lifetime learner, and I have always been fascinated by AI and similar fields. So, such a program will allow me to get better in the AI and the cloud computing. I have been taking an online course to learn more about AI and machine learning, so this opportunity is very special to me. Especially that it comes from IBM which is one of the leading companies in the AI and Cloud computing.

As an electrical and computer engineer with a minor in computer science I have worked with both hardware and software in all of my projects which allowed me to get better understanding and more creative while designing. I believe that both knowledge in hardware and software are essential for the person, so he can bring a creative solution that no one before him had thought of.

I am a lifetime learner who will do whatever it takes to learn and get the best outcome of the experience. In my life, I always loved to be challenged to do something, because whenever I faced a problem I always say that if anyone had done before then I can do it too, but if no one had done it, then I will be the first to do so.

Through my years in college I have worked in many projects that enhanced my ability to be one for the best candidates for this internship. Because I believe to best deal with these new technologies such as AI, IoT, and cloud computing you have to be knowledgeable in many different areas such as computer architecture, programming, electrical and so on.

Currently I have been taking coerces in AI and cloud computing to increase my chances to be accepted in the program, and in my free time I work on small projects of mine.
I just finished a self-project that uses a ROS (Robotics operating system) to design and build a robot that can autonomously drive itself and draw a map of the area around it using SLAM mapping. After that I moving to start new project that uses AI to test myself and to implement what I have learned. Also, I just finished a research paper titled “6LoWPAN Architecture Analysis” to analysis 6lowpan as a solution for the connectivity between IoT, and I am working to get the paper published in IEEE.

Finally, I would like to thank you for considering me as candidates and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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