stress and heart disease

For this project, you will be learning to read and analyze a scholarly article. The paper will be worth 80 points–with the preliminary assignments the whole thing will be worth 100 points.

You will be analyzing and reviewing the article in a paper of 1300-1800 words (about 5-7 pages double spaced). Your paper should include the following elements:

1. An introduction (150-250 words). What organ/disease/hormone/etc. is the article about? Briefly describe it, including any information someone would need to know in order to understand the paper.

2. A description of the research (500-700 words). What was the question they were trying to answer? What experiments did they do? Describe their research subjects: did they test humans? Mice? Individual cells? If people, what group of people did they test? If cells, which cells?

3. A summary of their findings (400-600 words). What did they find out? What conclusions did they draw from their research? What next steps do they propose?

4. Search the internet or journal databases for other research on this subject (300-400 words). Do you find anything that either supports or contradicts your paper? (You don’t have to go into a lot of detail here; just tell me what you find.)

You will be graded on the quality of your research as well as the organization of your paper—it should be well put together with a coherent flow of ideas. You may find the college tutoring services ( to an external site.) helpful to organize your ideas. Your paper should be submitted on Canvas (in a .docx or .pdf format ONLY). Please refer to the rubric on the assignment page for what you will be graded on.

Plagarism will not be tolerated in this assignment; make certain you use your own words and properly cite your sources. Any student whose assignment contains plagiarism will get a ZERO for this assignment. Fully cite your sources in the text using endnotesLinks to an external site.. Formatting style (MLA, APA, etc) does not matter as long as you are consistent. Yes, you must cite websites too!

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