Research Projects

Task #1

Suppose you own a travel agency in a large city. You have many corporate clients, but growth has slowed somewhat. Some long-term employees are getting discouraged, but you feel that there might be a way to make technology work in your favor. Use your imagination and so a SWOT analysis: Suggest at least one strength, one weakness, one opportunity, and one threat that your business faces.

Task #2

Create a decision table with three conditions. You can make one up, or use a scenario from everyday life. Either way, be sure to show all possible outcomes.

Task #3

Perform research on the Internet to identify a service provider that offers web-based business solutions, and write a short report describing the firm and its services.

Task #4

Using the materials in Chapter 11 and your own Internet research, prepare a short report listing the pros and cons of agile development methods.

Task #5

Security breaches are in the news all the time. Document a recent hack involving the theft of employee information or customer data. Suggest ways the attack could have been avoided.

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