Music and Sociology

We will read two very sophisticated chapters on popular music. The chapter on business is a very detailed examination of one of the capitals of music in the U.S.: Nashville. The chapter on globalization examines the music industry in Poland, with special attention given to the role women play in that industry. As always, correctly format your assignment.
(1) Go to the library–OK, OK, I know most of you will just to go the Internet!–and research the history of the music business in Austin. Compare and contrast it with business in Nashville. Please reference your research a la APA or ASA format. What are the major differences–and why–between these two music empires? (1 page)
(2) I want to try something a little different–and risky–regarding globalization. Go to You Tube and find “Us Slavs,” a comedy music video from Poland–with subtitles thankfully! It is a bit racy, but a great example of postmodernism and globalization. Review the video and briefly describe all the different components put together to make the video–a pastiche in postmodern terms. For example, there are traditional Polish features contrasted with contemporary ones. There are older generations and younger generations portrayed. There is female modesty contrasted with sexuality. There are features borrowed from American media. Etc., etc. What point are the produces trying to make? Are the visions of women liberating or constraining? How does the humor in this video work? How does music foster and/or reflect cultural change? 1 page
This enormously popular–in Europe–video is radically different from the fairly conservative music performed right after the democratic revolution in 1990. It is almost like Poles have been trying hard–too hard?–to catch up with Western culture. Be your best music and cultural critic! (1 page)

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