Racism in the deep south

  1. Provide an overview of the opinion you selected and why you selected that particular option activity/activity/lecture(s). Discus what you had hoped to gain/learn from your participation/involvement. (10 points)
  2. Describe what you actually did, as specific experiences, your interactions with others, observations you made, and/or problem solving. What did you actually gain/learn from your participation /involvement? Did it meet your expectations or were you disappointed in some way? Would you have changed anything or done anything differently? Did you gain any new insights into yourself? Did anything surprising or interesting happen?
  3. Determine which social institution/structure you were predominantly working within and include your observation about the structure of the social institution/structure. What worked well and what do you think could be improved? Identify key concepts useful in analyzing your experience (ie. Theory; Research; Culture; Socialization; Deviance; Family; Religion; Social Issues/Policy/Counseling – Race & Ethnicity, Sexuality & Gender, Stratification (Classism); Economics; Politics; Education; Health; Demography (Population); Environment (Natural Resources, Pollution). (30 points)
  4. Include a summery and analysis of relevant class materials to your experience with a particular focus on chapter 5, “Groups/Social Interaction. Apply the class concepts to understanding your experience and explain your ideas. Consider the following questions to provide ideas about what to include in your analysis: Did you witness any inequality – agism, sexism (I am a male, by the way), ablism, racism, classism, etc.? Was there a formal or informal group culture? Did you notice yourself referencing (reference group) other people to see how to act. What group norms developed? Did you feel connected to the group or alienated? Where you involved in a primary group or a secondary (minority) group? If there was a leader, what was their leadership style and did you find it to be effective or ineffective in that situation? Consider also the type of analysis will do in the film “The Help” Activity (I will attach the worksheet in “File”) and if those concepts are applicable. Think about political outlook of the people you meet and how that impacts their views (and vise versa – how their views influence their political affiliation). (30 points)

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