Health Promotion Considering Life Stage and Cultural Influences


  • Briefly describe a specific health issue (example: “hypertension” not “cardiac issues”) related to the age group you selected and discuss why this is relevant as a health promotion issue. Identify how the age affects and influences the specific health issue.
  • Provide two (2)specific examples of existing programs that target the health problem you identified within the selected age group? Discuss how these specific resources incorporate health promotion ideas appropriate for both the health issue and life stage you have selected.
  • Using the specific cultural population you selected, present at least three (3) specific influences of cultural beliefs and practices related to general health practices.
  • What is this group’s perception of health and illness related to treatments and health promotion options for a specific health issue (does not have to be the same one you used for #1). Discuss if this culture would be more likely to use Western medicine or cultural specific treatments for this condition and support your answer.  
  • Discuss changes in your nursing care and health promotion education that are appropriate to implement when caring for patients from your selected cultural population? 
  • Reveal your total score (answer from adding all columns together) from the Cultural Competency Checklist. Briefly discuss your thoughts regarding your results: Were you disappointed in your score or did you find you were more culturally competent than you realized? Did you find that you could be more culturally competent by suggestions changes at work? Identify biases you have that you were not previously aware of.  
  • Identify and discuss the following:
  • Two (2) specific ways you will proceed to personally improve your own cultural competency and
  • Two (2) specific ways you will address any barriers related to cultural care in your current job/practice setting.


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