please address the following:
1. Developing unique ideas for projects/papers is…
(Make sure to develop this further including why)
2. In formulating my own projects I regularly…
(Make sure to develop this further including why)
3. My papers/projects are best when I…
(Make sure to develop this further including why)
Work to incorporate reflections on feedback you’ve received. Don’t worry about the exact words (i.e. don’t try to dig up old assignments to quote directly, but if they’re readily accessible you’re welcome to) but paraphrase. I want you to think of this on two levels: your personal ideas on what you’ve directly experienced and how you interpret your own work as well as the ways your professors/TAs have responded to your work.
Paper in whole
In this paper (and all others), you need to make sure that you fully hit the following aspects: Grammar and spelling are addressed in such a manner that your paper does not suffer due to errors. Argumentation and logic flow throughout the paper with each point that is introduced also addressed so that the reader is left with no major unanswered questions from you. Moreover, that you clearly and cohesively follow your own writing so the reader does not need to jump around to answer the question. The best papers not only answer their own questions, they don’t require the reader to have to find the answers hidden within themselves. Your paper is not underdeveloped/too short. An easy metric is the specific length, but that’s not necessarily the only measure. A paper can be somewhat shorter or longer and still do everything it needs to. Focus on content explication.
Originality aspect
Have you fully addressed this prompt so that the reader knows how you deal with originality as an author? Did you clearly offer an example that aided in understanding for the reader? In essence, have you answered the prompt fully and completely?
Have you fully addressed this prompt so that the reader knows your process(es) for formulating your own projects, seeing how you go about it? Did you clearly offer an example that aided in understanding for the reader? In essence, have you answered the prompt fully and completely?
Best when…
Have you fully addressed this prompt so that the reader knows what you identify as your strengths as a writer? Did you clearly offer an example that aided in understanding for the reader? For this it’s important that you stay on the positive aspect. While counter examples of what you feel you do worst can help, your example should not have left behind what you do best. In essence, have you answered the prompt fully and completely?
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