Answer the following questions.
Each question should be no less than 250 words.
- Explain the difference between the Internet and World Wide Web. Include how the Internet was developed and who did it. Explain how the world wide web works and who developed it.
- Discuss the difference between using a Wiki, Blog, and Podcast. What are their uses and how do they influence the way we work and communicate today.
- How is application software different from system software? Define each type and give examples and names of software you use daily/weekly or monthly.
- There are different types of hackers. Define each type and explain how they work. Do they make our information systems and personal data safer? Please discuss.
Include as much details as possible in your answer.
Question 2
Book Report: two pages single-spaced (approximately 1200 words) The book is cyberphobia: identity, trust, security and the internet by Edward Lucas.
Research Paper: four pages single-spaced (approximately 2400 words) And the topic is IOT privacy and security
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