The Veil of Ignorance

This activity addresses module outcome 3. Upon completion of this activity, you will be able to:
• Describe the use of the “veil of ignorance” to make an ethical decision (CO3).
In this course you will write several reflective papers. They are reflective because in addition to being based on your readings and research, you will be asked to finish each paper with a paragraph or two about how the assigned topic applies to you and what experiences you have had. It is important to understand the material but equally as important to how you can use it.
Throughout this module we have discussed the importance of casting light in ethical decision making. In particular the concept of “the veil of ignorance” as one that is oftentimes discussed as a nearly impossible task to undertake.
For this reflection, write a 2–3 page paper describing a situation where you have successfully used the “veil of ignorance” to make an ethical decision.
• First describe a situation where you have successfully used the “veil of ignorance” to make an ethical decision.
• How did it turn out? What was the most challenging aspect of this?
• Your paper must include a brief discussion of the situation and a thorough discussion around the challenges you faced as you made this decision. Use the references from this module as well as outside references to support your response.

Module Notes: Military Ethics and Technology in War
One example of technology in war is the use of robotics as weapons. Today, the U.S. military depends in part on the use of drones to deliver lethal fires. While military robots are used to save lives, such as robots to seek and destroy improvised explosive devices, and to perform medical procedures, it is crucial to recognize that the use of some of these robots may be viewed by some as unethical. It is also important to recognize that some of this technology reduces the number of casualties from friendly fire. Nevertheless, as the role of new technology continues to increase in combat, leaders should recognize the impact of new technology, specifically when the same technology, developed by the military, finds its way to other agencies and groups.
Technology provides many benefits to humanity. For example, one can argue that, thanks to technology, life expectancy has increased. Technology has also created a more collaborative environment, thanks to communication technologies, such as the Internet. However, with these advances, technology creates some ethical dilemmas for operators in a global environment. Operators now have to be concerned with how actions in one country can affect the world. Recognizing such ethical challenges can help military leaders to create an ethical environment with the global challenges they encounter.
Before continuing with your readings, view Ethics 2011 George Lucas: Ethics and Emerging Military Technologies (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.
Ethics and Emerging Military Technologies [Video File, 1 hr 12:49 mins]
As you consider the different theories listed in these module notes, please pay attention to how application of these theories can change the decision-making process and leading. In your discussion activities, you will first be challenged to identify the best-suited theory, and also discuss the application of military technology and how it further complicates the discussion of ethics within the military.
A discussion of ethics and leadership is critical to leading organizations in the 21st century. The U.S. Military has done a fine job of establishing ethical standards and practices and yet we continue to see those who fail to recognize the various shadow casters that keep them from upholding ethical standards. In Module 2 we discussed the Military core values and discussed leadership in Module 3, all of which impact how a leader approaches ethics within their organizations. The following discussion will challenge you to further consider whether you will cast light or shadow in times of ethical decision making.

Johnson, C. E. (2015). Meeting the ethical challenges of leadership: Casting light or shadow (5th Edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Rawls, J. (2009). A theory of justice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Image Citations:
“Drone.” (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. by MIKI Yoshihito (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. is licensed under CC BY 2.0 (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.
“Routers and modem” (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. by bnz (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. is licensed under CC BY 2.0 (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.

Learning & Assessment Activities
During this module you will:
• Required
o Module 4: Module Notes: Ethics
o Module 4: Module Notes: Leader’s Shadows
o Module 4: Module Notes: Shadow Casters
o Module 4: Module Notes: Military Ethics and Technology In War
• Optional
o Johnson, C. E. (2015). Meeting the ethical challenges of leadership: Casting light or shadow (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
o Rawls, J. (2009). A theory of justice (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. Cambridge, MA: Harvard university press.
• Required
o Academy of Ideas. (2013, August 9). Introduction to ethics (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. [Video File, 10:07 mins]. Retrieved from
o BBC Radio 4. (2015, April 8). The Veil of ignorance (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. [Video File, 1:36 mins]. Retrieved from
o usnavalwarcollege. (2012, January 12). Ethics 2011 George Lucas: Ethics and emerging military technologies (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file, 1:12:49 mins]. Retrieved from
• M4D1: Theory and Practice of Military Ethics
• M4D2: Technology and Ethical Challenges to the Military in a Global Environment

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