Teaching Aid

This assignment aims to develop and assess your ability to; • Produce a 50-minute grammar lesson plan to introduce past continuous to describe interrupted actions in the past to the class below. • Use the standard procedure for a PPP lesson, described in Units 6 and 7. • Demonstrate the ability to include a clear presentation of structure stage, a board plan, time line, and controlled and freer practice tasks. • Match Teacher language and target language to learners’ level. • Demonstrate the ability to give clear instructions and clarify meaning and understanding (concept checking questions). • Explain the appropriate use of resources. TASK: to create a 50-minute grammar lesson, with appropriate stages, tasks and resources for an A2 monolingual class of twelve 14-16 year olds (6M, 6F) in their own country. They are at late elementary level (A2). Decide what nationality your class is and state this in the lesson plan. Guidance – Preparing to Write your Lesson Plan Before starting this assignment, you should; 1. Read Unit 1 on lesson planning. 2. Read the ‘Verb tenses’ section in Unit 4 to revise past continuous and do some further research on the past continuous. 3. Read Unit 7 Part one on Teaching Grammar and follow the standard procedure for a PPP lesson. 4. Check the menu of Unit 7 Part 2 to find details of how to deal with different aspects of the procedure. There is also a short section on PPP in Unit 6 5. You may also find it useful to review Unit 9, Teaching Aids and Activities and Unit 11, Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers. 6. Read the following document carefully, download it and save it to your local machine You MUST use the templates provided and keep the same headings. If you wish submit more than one document for the materials section, please label them Materials 1, Materials 2 etc. Please note If your files/documents are not clearly labelled in this way, you will be asked to re-submit. 1. Lesson Plan and Paragraph. The lesson plan, followed by a paragraph (80-120 words) justifying and explaining your choice of teaching aids, activities and materials for this class. 2. Board Plan(s). A board plan (more than one if you prefer) showing what you would write on the white board during the presentation stage, with example sentences, time-line and reference to form and meaning. 3. Materials. Copies of all materials you would give or show the students (worksheets, visuals etc.). Materials should include at least one of the aids described in Unit 9 (flash cards, pictures and realia, powerpoint, video etc.). 4. Teacher Language. Show the actual words you would use for a) eliciting the target language in the presentation stage. You may need to include some predicted student responses. b) instructions to one of the activities in your lesson 5. PPP Grammar Lesson Table completed for your lesson. This is to help you analyse the language and plan how to teach it. 6. Bibliography Please make sure each file is CLEARLY LABELLED AND NUMBERED as in templates provided also this assignment must be accurate, relevant and well structured.

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